JADE Anatomical Sciences in Medical Education and Research (Special Edition) | Page 26

Figure 1 . Structural cytology drawings produced by students during the organized workshop . The students drew different histological structures representing : 1 ) the golgi apparatus ( first row ); 2 ) the ER ( second row ); 3 ) the mitochondria ( third row ); 4 ) the cellular membrane ( fourth row ). Abbreviations : ER , endoplasmic reticulum .
Students approved the publication of their work .


All 25 students attended the workshop and contributed with their work , as well as responded to the organized surveys that preceded and followed the activity .
Surveys were conducted anonymously , and no personal data were collected .
The survey before the workshop observed the views and interest of students toward an activity involving drawing as a tool for learning and their previous exposure to this type of learning .
The post-workshop survey observed the level of appreciation of the artistic activity , their view on the “ usefulness ” of the approach in learning histology , as well as if they would recommend this type of activity as an integrative part of teaching histology .
Students ’ answers to the relevant questions are summarised in Table 1 .