JADE Anatomical Sciences in Medical Education and Research (Special Edition) | Page 25

Materials and Method
Along the continuous advances in information technology , visual art was suggested to be a good instrument to learn sciences in general , particularly structural / anatomical sciences such as histology ( Elmongi , 2019 ).
The influence of pictures on learning and retention of knowledge has been the topic of previous research studies , reporting a positive outcome when picture presentation was added to teaching relevant topics ( Alesandrini , 1981 ; Alesandrini , 1984 ; Larkin & Simon , 1987 ; Vorstenbosch et al , 2013 ).
The cognitive process that supports the positive effects of images on text comprehension has been studied by Glenberg and Langston in 1992 who performed a series of tests to assess the effects . They demonstrated that pictures assist the learner in generating a mental model , which improves retention of what needed to be learned ( Balemans et al , 2016 ). This mental model was investigated further by the group of
Mayer who proposed integrated dual-code hypothesis ( Mayer , 1989 ; Mayer & Anderson , 1991 ) by which learners can build both a visual and a verbal mental model , as well as connections between them .
The big number of students and the lack of resources have driven major changes in the traditional methods of teaching histology where students engaged with preparation of slides and observation under light microscopes . Currently there is a wider usage of computer based and virtual microscopy resources with students ’ improvements in learning and positive experience , compared to conventional microscopy ( Skoville et al 2007 )
Studies looking at incorporation of web-based resources have emphasised the advantages of making drawings or sketches and highlighted the benefits of using these resources while encouraging close observation by the students ( Codgell et al 2011 ). Implementation of the drawing as a method to learn have marked greater engagement of students and resulted in higher achievements in their subsequent assessments ( Codgell et al 2011 ; Rafi et al 2017 ; 2018 ).
We are presenting a short communication on an observational study where art of drawing was used as a tool to learn histology and we assessed the views and attitudes of the students . Differently than previous studies we have not used web-based resources and students were given full freedom in choosing the type of drawing style and techniques . We observed the application of drawing as an approach for teaching and learning emphasising indications of future development and incorporation of drawing to support teaching and learning sessions of histology and anatomy .

Materials and Method

Twenty-five , first-year dental students attending Faculty of Dentistry at University of Palermo in Italy , who attended the Histology module , voluntarily responded to a call and took part in the study . The module of Histology , Cytology and Embryology is an integrated part of the Dental curriculum in the first year and is delivered as compulsory requirement to progress toward the Gross Anatomy exams . The Histology module comprises different units , such as : General Histology and Cytology , Oral Histology and Embryology , excluding pathological histology at that stage .
Free and learning hours were organized for the students who volunteered to take part in this observational pilot study . Participants were asked to bring drawing materials of their choice such as paper , pencils , and colours . Students engaged in drawing a histological structure ( cellular structural element , such as organelle or tissue ) of their choice and engaged in the activity for three hours .
Full freedom was given to the students in choosing the type of drawing style and techniques . The workshop was organized and offered following the delivery of the histology ( cytology ) content , therefore familiarity with the cytological structures was assumed . At the end of the workshop , all drawings were collected as shown in Figure 1 ( Fig . 1 ).