Haiti—March 2014
Jamaica—March 2014
Appalachia—March and May 2014
China—May 2014
Kenya—May 2014
New Zealand—May 2014
India—May 2014
God is alive and well in the IWU nursing students and faculty who went to
Zambia. Each Sunday evening, students and faculty shared a time of testimony,
worship, and prayer. By the end of our semester abroad, the love and joy between all defied
description. God truly brought us together in
ways that we were not anticipating. It was
In the fall of 2014, another group of sixteen
Division of Pre-licensure students will travel
to Zambia with faculty for a semester abroad.
It is not too early for God’s people to begin
praying for their physical, emotional, and
spiritual growth and well-being—and not
just for the Zambia team, but also for the
many future trips already slated or yet to be
explored. +
Overheard on Facebook
Join the conversation at facebook.com/IWUSofN.
Lauren Wolfe I am so thankful that I attend IWU and
that I am a part of the Nursing program. The nursing
instructors/professors go out of their way to make sure
their students are the best nurses around. A shout-out
and thanks to our amazing professors!
IWU School of Nursing students have
the opportunity for
transcultural nursing
experiences through
trips taken twice a year.
Teams travel both internationally, to countries
such as Ecuador and
Grenada, and domestically, to areas such as
the Tohono-O’odham
Nation in Arizona.
Above, top: The Zambia team poses in front of Zimba’s
Wesleyan mission hospital.
Center: IWU nursing student Jenna Kuipers visits with
and examines children at a maternal/child clinic, where
students spent the majority of their community health
clinical hours. Photos by Chrissy Loccasio.
Bottom: IWU student Lauren Vermilion, BSN (second
from left) is pictured with friends from the Macha SON,
Agatha, Chilala, and Audrey. Photo by Jenna Kuipers.