empowering nurses | changing the world
the World
written by Pam Leslie, MSN, RN
According to the Indiana Wesleyan University catalog, the course Transcultural Nursing
challenges students to examine their own
Christian values and ethics in the light of the
socio-cultural variables that shape people, including the differences imposed by language,
time, space, and more. Students learn how
to provide evidence-based nursing care in a
variety of cultural settings and groups.
Most IWU students find great excitement
and joy in completing the didactic Transcultural course, which prepares them for a
42-hour practicum in a culture outside the
United States or a subculture within the
United States. In recent semesters, students
have provided culturally competent care all
over the world.
Most recently, in the fall of 2013, sixteen
students completed a semester abroad in
Zambia, Africa. In addition to the required
Transcultural Nursing practicum, students
also completed Community Health Nursing
and Leadership and Management in Nursing.
Several students took Professional Transitions and/or African History. The experiential
learning for each of these courses passed all
Upon their return to campus after Thanksgiving, most expressed deep joy because of
their spiritual growth while in Zambia. Their
academic learning and final grades were exceptional, but they were most awed by their
connections to people in Zambia because of
the love of Christ.
As a participant in this trip, let me say that all
of us agree God is alive and well in Zambia.
God is alive and well in the healthcare
system of Zambia. We visited three
different hospitals to provide nursing
care to patients and families. In the Zimba
Wesleyan Mission Hospital, nursing students
impacted health and healing for children
burned from a cooking fire, young adults
with HIV/AIDS in the crisis moments of their
earthly lives, and women giving birth in the
maternity center. In Choma General Hospital, students worked [