iW Magazine Summer 2019 | Page 114

HOW HAS THE GÉRALD GENTA ANNIVERSARY WATCH BEEN RECEIVED? We made this in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Gerald Genta brand creation. We will start to distribute the watch this May in a few boutiques. Based on its success we are looking at several other ideas. We love the (Gérald Genta) Arena case, and we may introduce a follow up next year, though not necessarily in a platinum case. But it will continue to express the look of the Arena case. When you think about the Arena case you see that it looks quite Roman with its columns. It makes sense that Bulgari would pick up the most Roman of the Gérald Genta cases. We hold Evelyn Genta in high regard, and we owe Gérald Genta much for allowing us to speed up our development of high complications. 114 | INTERNATIONAL WATCH | SUMMER 2019 Gérald Genta 50th Anniversary watch