Message from the
Second Supreme Anti-Basileus
Second Supreme Anti-Basileus
Greetings , Sorors !
Isn ’ t it exciting to be a member of the first and finest Black Greek-letter Sorority ? We are leading the way in uncharted territory with the release of the 20 Pearls documentary ! As someone who has had the joy of watching it not once , but twice , I am doubly proud of what we ’ ve been able to create . It ' s a testament to our strong history and bright future . I can only imagine what our Founders would be feeling if they were here to witness this special moment in time . To think about the fact that our Supreme Sisterhood began in 1908 , was incorporated in 1913 , and was shortly followed by the deeply racist movie , Birth of a Nation in 1915 . Fast forward to 2021 , I ’ m sure those producers could have never imagined Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority , Incorporated ® releasing the 20 Pearls documentary . They couldn ’ t fathom a world where Black women are at every stage of the cinematic production . A world where Black women control the narrative . A world where Black women have the power to project positive images of themselves into hundreds of thousands of homes .
The documentary is truly a feat of supreme directing , narrating , and storytelling ! It sets the stage with a bold background on why our sorority was needed for the African-American population in the early 1900s . Then it moves through introductions of our Founders , Incorporators , and early years . After that , we ’ re treated with video and audio of early members and community leaders carrying out programs in “ Service to all Mankind .” Finally , it ends with the present day and how much we have been able to achieve in 113 years . Each time I ’ ve watched the documentary , there is something new to discover . A little kernel of information added to my AKA collection . It makes me feel closer to my predecessors to know more about the obstacles they were faced with and that they actually overcame .
As the Second Supreme Anti-Basileus , I strongly urge all undergraduates to take the time to watch this documentary to gain a deeper understanding of our history . It even highlights the contributions undergraduates have made and continue to make within our membership . We can never be too informed about our history . If anything , watching the documentary will only give us new perspectives and ideas that can be applied to our current situation . You can use this as an opportunity for your chapter to engage in some sisterly relations . After viewing the documentary virtually , your chapter might celebrate the wonderful production by having a friendly game of trivia over newly learned facts .
The 20 Pearls documentary is our combined victory and solidifies Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority , Incorporated ® for the pioneering sisterhood it has always been . It is a shining example of how we continue to Exemplify Excellence and R . E . A . C . H . our highest potential . I know you will enjoy it as much as I did !
Sisterly ,
Soror Jasmyne E . McC oy
Second Supreme Anti-Basileus Harvard 2021 Facebook and YouTube : Jasmyne E . McCoy Instagram : peridot _ jem
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