Ivy Leaf Spring 2021 | Page 31


International Members Globally Apart and Virtually Together in Sisterhood and Service


Over four hundred thirty-eight Sorors and friends including fifty-four percent of the International Region ’ s membership , gathered from May 21 – 23 , 2021 under the theme “ Globally Apart : Virtually Together in Sisterhood and Service ” at the first virtual International Regional Conference under the leadership of Regional Director Soror Joy Elaine Daley . Sigma Xi Omega Chapter of Bermuda hosted the conference and Soror Tekea Saunders served as Chairman along with Soror Da ’ Shawn Doars and Soror Shanda Simmons as Vice-Chairmen .

The International Conference commenced when all attendees virtually “ touched down ” on Bermuda soil to music from around the globe , a vibrant welcome and proclamation from the Town Crier Mr . Ed Christopher . He extended a special welcome to Regional Director , Soror Joy Elaine Daley and Supreme Basileus , Soror Glenda Glover . He then recognized sorors in attendance from The Bahamas , Canada , Germany , Japan , Korea , Liberia , South Africa , United Arab Emirates , U . S . Virgin Islands , Bermuda and the United States of America . The sorors of Sigma Xi Omega Chapter showcased Bermuda ’ s beauty with a personal tour across the island highlighting some of the most popular tourist attractions . The virtual tour concluded with a mini performance by the Gombeys , one of Bermuda ’ s most popular cultural symbols . From the start of the conference the sights , sounds and flavor of Bermuda permeated the air .
Following the welcome , Regional Director Soror Joy Elaine Daley called the 30th International Regional Conference of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority ,
Incorporated ® to order . The three-day virtual conference included all of the sorority business and sisterly fun of an in-person event . Plenary sessions and workshops were informative and productive as the business of the International Region and the Sorority was conducted in a timely manner . During the lunch break sorors engaged in stimulating conversation with the Zola Experience in the Graduate Sorors Lounge . Undergraduate sorors had the opportunity to engage in informal chats with the Undergraduate Directorate members in the Undergraduate Lounge . At the Ladies Night Rosé and Slay Party Friday evening , Bermudian Comedian and DJ Nadanja Bailey entertained the attendees . Former Regional Director , Soror Gizette Canegata Thomas toasted the Region and led the unity stroll to get the party started .
Saturday ’ s workshop information was highly sought after and became quickly oversubscribed . In the afternoon , Former Regional Directors , Soror Wilma Holmes Tootle and Soror Phyllis Robinson led tributes to the region ’ s first time Pearls and Silver Sorors . Soror Phyllis Robinson serenaded the honorees on the achievement of their milestones . Virtual crowns were placed on each honoree ’ s head to mark the occasion .
Saturday evening ’ s Excellence Awards Gala was the occasion to celebrate chapters and members whose service and commitment to their respective communities warranted special recognitions . The night concluded as the sounds of DJ Quick rang across the world and the International Region ’ s dance party continued with the celebration of Excellence in Service .
The Ivy Beyond the Wall Memorial led by Soror Nadine C . Bonds was an honorable recognition of those sorors who had transitioned since the last regional conference . Their memories and legacies will live on in each soror whose lives they touched . For the first time , an Ecumenical Service was held at the conference . The theme was , “ A Time to Reflect And Ask For Mercy ” and Sigma Xi Omega Chapter very own Rev . Joyce Hayward and Rev . Emilygail Dill delivered the messages . The conference was exhilarating , uplifting and well executed with something for every soror to return to her respective chapter to continue “ Exemplifying Excellence Through Sustainable Service .”
Prior to closing the conference , International Regional Director , Soror Joy Elaine Daley expressed her gratitude to all sorors who joined us in making this first virtual International Regional Conference a resounding success . Even a global pandemic could not keep the sorors of the Ingenious International Region apart or diminish the work of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority , Incorporated ® .
Celebrating 100 Years of Ivy Leaf ® Magazine

Regional Conference


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