Additionally , please continue to report any infringement of our marks using the vendor infraction form located on our website Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority , Inc . ® – Service to All Mankind Since 1908 ( aka1908 . com ).
FINANCIAL COMPLIANCE Not-for-profit organizations are under increased scrutiny from the Internal Revenue Service . In order to reverse this trend , the following guidelines should be followed :
Chapters should submit their Statement of Financial Operation by February 1st . This will assist the Corporate Office with the timely filing of income tax returns on behalf of all chapters .
Please ensure you include explanations for the Statement of Financial Operations items under the " Other Income " section and the " Other Operational Expenses " section . The information provided will also help us determine whether an item should be included as Unrelated Business Income on the chapter ' s income tax return .
Lastly , chapters should follow the IRS rules regarding issuing Form 1099 MISC and Form 1099 NEC . Also , it is imperative to obtain a completed W-9 form from independent contractors that provide services to the chapter . The IRS rules are found at www . IRS . gov .
REACTIVATION CAMPAIGN As you begin your Fall reactivation campaigns , we want to highlight a few helpful tips to ensure the proper paperwork is submitted to the Corporate Office :
1 . Suppose the soror is currently active for 2021 in a chapter . In that case , you must obtain a signed Transfer Verification Form from her former chapter and remit it to this office with the Transfer Report . Only pro-rated chapter dues should be collected since she is already active for this year .
2 . Suppose the soror is currently a general member for 2021 and wants to transfer into a chapter . In that case , they may remit the signed Transfer Verification Form from their profile in Members Only to the chapter . Only pro-rated chapter dues should be collected since she is already active for this year . Once paid , the chapter will remit the Transfer Report to the Corporate Office .
3 . For recent undergraduates that are active for 2021 and transferring into Graduate Chapters , please obtain a signed Transfer Verification Form and remit the form and Transfer Report to this office . Only pro-rated chapter dues should be collected if she is active for 2021 . If she is renewing ( currently inactive ) or reactivating her membership , please submit either graduate fee per capita with late fine or graduate reactivation fee to this office with the signed Transfer Verification Form .
4 . When submitting reactivations for processing , the Reactivation Form must be completed so we may update the correct record . Clearly communicate to the reactivating soror the reactivation fees for 2021 and 2022 and specify on the paperwork her decision .
5 . When remitting reactivation for a soror , do not submit reactivation fee and per capita . The reactivation fee includes per capita .
6 . A signed Transfer Verification Form is not required to reactivate since the Online Transfer Restriction has been implemented . The basileus , tamiouchos , and Membership Chairman may see if she has a transfer restriction on her record by viewing the Membership Directory .
7 . For sorors initiated after July 1992 , the COIP assessment was included in their Membership Intake fees and is not required to be paid again .
8 . If a soror no longer wants to be in the chapter , both the basileus and tamiouchos must sign their Transfer Verification Form after all chapter obligations are satisfied . Please mail a copy of the signed form to the soror and the Corporate Office .
FALL MAILING Lastly , in the latter part of November , all chapters will once again receive the Fall Mailing . The mailing will include : all updated documents , end-of-year report forms , Corporate Office Holiday Schedule , Supply Order Forms , and more . All Chapter Basilei should share the information and materials with their chapter members .
Chef Anne Burrell wisely states that " Part of being successful is about asking questions and listening to the answers ." Sorors , rather than proceeding down the wrong path , please ask questions . If you have questions about chapter and sorority operations , our Constitution and Bylaws and the Manual of Standard procedures are great resources . For Corporate Office inquiries , please use our member assistance form located on our website : Members Assistance Form ( aka1908 . net ).
On behalf of the Corporate Office , I want to thank each of you for the immeasurable volunteer hours and resources you expend to implement Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority programs . As always , this office pledges to provide you with tireless support so that you can continue our rich legacy of sisterhood and service .
Sisterly Yours ,
Cynthia D . Howell
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