Ivy Leaf Magazine Fall 2021 Edition | Page 52


Notable Socials

Essence of Ebony Pearls 2021 Debutante Scholarship Recipients
Zeta Upsilon Omega Presents 11th Biennial Debutante Cotillion
St . Petersburg , FL – Zeta Upsilon Omega Chapter , in partnership with the Youth Development Foundation of Pinellas County , Inc ., hosted their 11th Biennial Essence of Ebony Pearls Debutante Cotillion . The cotillion was the culminating activity for the Essence of Ebony Pearls Scholarship Program , virtually presenting six young ladies into society . The debutantes participated in various virtual workshops . Lessons were taught in mental health and wellness , fashion and beauty , professional networking , etiquette , and leadership and advocacy . In addition , the debutantes held a community service project and hosted a virtual read-aloud for elementary school-aged students . Other activities included a mother-daughter tea , which celebrated women of the Harlem Renaissance , and a virtual painting party . Over $ 13,000 in scholarships were awarded . Scholarship recipients included Miss Debutante 2021 , Miss Kennedy Gray ; first attendant , Miss Serena Vazquez ; second attendant , Miss Richelle Still , and third attendant , Miss Janae Terrell . Sorors Cassandra Williams and Madge Cooks served as the chairman and co-chairman of the event . Soror Lisa Brody serves as the chapter basileus of the Zeta Upsilon Omega .
Eta Mu Omega Holds Virtual Debutante Scholarship Cotillion
South Bend , IN – Eta Mu Omega Chapter hosted the 21st Biennial Debutante Scholarship Cotillion , Virtual Pearls of Elegance . Ten young ladies , high school juniors and seniors , parents , and chapter members attended virtual workshops and a community service event . The debutantes interacted with local and national presenters , who discussed the benefits of an HBCU education , nutrition , entrepreneurship , personal branding , and the Harlem Renaissance . The debutantes researched selected international countries and the Caribbean Islands . Their presentations addressed economic and political statuses , educational access , and cultural celebrations . More than 98 households viewed the cotillion . The virtual program included a presentation of the debutantes and their parents , awarding of scholarships , and a dance with their fathers . Basileus Breanna Allen offered virtual greetings . Cotillion Chairman Soror Sasha Wilson and Co-Chairman Soror Aundrea Taylor introduced the debutantes . Scholarship Chairman Soror Iris Outlaw and Co-chairman Soror Carla Crittendon presented the scholarships , Miss Debutante and Miss Congeniality Awards . The virtual event can be viewed on the Eta Mu Omega Virtual Scholarship Cotillion website : https :// etarnuomega . orgievents /.
Nu Gamma Omega Hosts Debutante Program
Baton Rouge , LA – Nu Gamma Omega Chapter presented the 2020-2021 Coterie of Debutantes event , " Radiant Visions of Beauty ." Reigning Queen is Miss Kennedy Mikel Carter , daughter of Soror Shawn Colbert . Reigning princesses were First Princess Jayla Patrick , daughter of Soror Carmen Patrick ; Second Princess Fre ' Daiza Tucker , daughter of Mrs . Ler ' Shoniter Williams ; Third Princess Gabrielle Wiggins , daughter of Soror Robyn Wiggins ; Fourth Princess Jalaya Fisher , daughter of Mrs . Laquica Fisher ; Fifth Princess Chrisdan Kelly , daughter of Soror Chrisdelin Lyles ; and Sixth Princess , Brandis Lee , daughter of Ms . Aelecia Turner . Reigning as First Maid is Carmise Wade , daughter of Soror Carmelita Jack ; Second Maid Asia Perry , daughter of Joy Millican ; and Pearl Jordyn Lemon , daughter of Soror Jodi Brown Lemon . Soror Danielle Staten served as general debutante chairman , Sorors Carla Harmon and Cynthia Reed served as co-chairmen . The chapter ' s debutante program enriches the lives of young ladies through educational workshops , community service projects , teas , cultural activities , and formal dance instruction and will award scholarships to the Coterie of Debutantes to support their higher academic pursuits . Soror Angela Gooden serves as the chapter president .
Beta Eta Omega Presents 41st Cotillion
Dayton , OH – Beta Eta Omega Chapter Ebony Jewels and Gems Cotillion continues as the premier event recognizing the outstanding accomplishments of graduating high school seniors . For the first time , the cotillion was held virtually with the theme of " Exceptional , Extraordinary , Resilient : A Virtual Reality ," representing the unprecedented challenges encountered due to the global pandemic . Twenty-one young women and men participated in virtual workshops on preparing for college , mental and physical health awareness , interviewing skills , personal empowerment , and navigating today ' s digital environment . Additionally , due to COVID-19 restrictions , every participant had a separate photoshoot and videotaping session . The culmination of the cotillion was the release of a digital souvenir book and video spotlighting each participant ' s achievements and aspirations and awarding $ 32,000 in scholarships to fifteen eligible participants . Sorors Gail Forest , Stephanie Norwood , Geraldine Pegues , and Claryce Cartwright served as the cotillion co-chairmen .
50 I vyL eaf ® fall 2021