Ivy Leaf Magazine Fall 2021 Edition | Page 46


Alpha Alpha Upsilon Omega Chartered in South Atlantic

Wellington , FL – On June 6 , 2021 , Alpha Alpha Upsilon Omega Chapter was chartered , becoming the first African American organization to serve the Village of Wellington and the Western communities in Palm Beach County Florida . Regional Director of the South Atlantic Region , Soror Carolyn Gause Randolph , was the chartering officiant , and 52 women became chartering members . Despite the pandemic , The Crowned Pearls of Wellington interest group served their community by hosting and assisting with providing food for healthcare professionals at local hospitals , voter registration efforts , donating and volunteering with Feeding
South Florida food drives , collecting and distributing toys and backpacks . The group also hosted a virtual college fair , supported a fund-raising effort to raise funds for historically Black colleges and universities , and virtually mentored students participating in the Village of Wellington ' s Students Working to Achieve Greatness ( SWAG ) program . Basileus Geneva " Jenny " Pettis- Hassell explained , " We are committed to helping each other and positively impacting the communities in which we live and work ."
From left to right : Sorors Alma Henry- Morman , first vice-president ; Marcia Rowe
Hayden , second vice-president ; Jenny Pettis-Hassell , president ; Carolyn Gause
Randolph , South Atlantic Regional Director .

Alpha Alpha Chi Omega Chartered in Mid-Atlantic

Charter members of Alpha Alpha Chi Omega Chapter .
Monroe , NC – On June 26 , 2021 , 37 sorors chartered Alpha Alpha Chi Omega Chapter under the leadership of Mid-Atlantic Regional Director Jennifer King Congleton . Operating as the Prestigious Pearls of Anson and Union Counties ( PPAUC ), they were able to provide over 40 programs of service successfully , volunteered over
2,200 hours , and raised over $ 10,000 for scholarships establishing the Belynda Little-Home Scholarship Fund , and awarding three scholarships to deserving students in Anson and Union Counties . Additionally , the charter group collected over 156 pairs of shoes for Soles4Souls , served high school students through # CAP SM , made 79 pillowcase dresses and shirts , held financial literacy workshops , implemented the " Pretty Fit " series focusing on women ' s health , and donated to local women shelters and dialysis centers . Alpha Alpha Chi Omega is committed to maintaining , growing , and rendering " Service to All Mankind " to the underserved communities in and around Anson and Union Counties .
44 I vyL eaf ® fall 2021 Centennial edition