Ivy Leaf Magazine Fall 2021 Edition | Page 15



When Supreme Basileus Soror Glenda Glover called , the sorors of the Notable North Atlantic Region answered . Led by head cheerleader Regional Director Soror Mary Bentley LaMar , the sorors of the North Atlantic Region raised $ 332,691.61 for the sorority ’ s $ 1 Million in 1 Day initiative , more than doubling the amount contributed during the campaign ’ s first quarter in 2018 ! From hosting Pop-up Health Events at Howard University and Morgan State University to hosting virtual webinars and representing their favorite HBUCs on social media , the region pulled out all the stops to help raise money for the EAF AKA HBCU Fund . “ In addition to being home

to the birthplace of Alpha Kappa Alpha , our Region is home to the nation ’ s first HBCU and several other HBCUs and alumni ,” said Soror Mary . “ We were proud to help
the sorority surpass its goals in the final quarter of our $ 1 Million In 1 Day initiative .”


The Marvelous Mid- Atlantic region is home to 13 HBCUs , and each year , the suppport for HBCU initiatives grows stronger . Through contributions on HBCU Impact Day , chapters and individual sorors have shown their commitment to keeping HBCUs sustainable to the tune of $ 564,512 over the last four years . Mid-Atlantic Regional Director Jennifer King Congleton challenged the region to do “ A New Thing ” during this administration , and the region ’ s support of HBCUs was no exception . Sorors not only met but exceeded that challenge . From 2020 to 2021 , despite the economic challenges of the pandemic , Mid-Atlantic saw a truly marvelous 107 % increase in giving on HBCU Impact Day alone . This does not include the chapter programs to increase visibility and awareness of HBCUs among high school students ,

particularly those in # CAP SM programs . The Mid- Atlantic region will continue its long tradition and strong support of HBCUs through programs and opportunities to offer financial support .
Celebrating 100 Years of Ivy Leaf ® Magazine fall 2021 I vyL eaf ® 13