itSMF Bulletin itSMF Bulletin December 2018 | Page 29

Have you ever applied your ITSM skills outside of work?

Don’t we all do this automatically? From helping the kids with their devices to

managing renovation projects, the skills we apply at work are so helpful in so many situations.

What do you see as the biggest challenge or ‘next big thing’ for ITSM professionals over the next couple of years and what do we as ITSM professionals need to do to address these challenges/opportunities?

IT Security and privacy/cyber security and emerging disruptive technology. What do we need to do? Eyes wide open, be aware of the options, identify shortcomings and learn from our mistakes.

What's the most valuable piece of advice you have been given in your professional career?

Try and listen from the other person’s perspective.

What advice would you give young people who have chosen a career in technology?

Develop effective interpersonal relationships, be supportive of your team and enthusiastic about helping others and be optimistic even when things get tough.

What do you like to do when you are not working?

If I’m not with my fabulous family, then I like to curl up with my cat and a well-written novel.

What was the title and author of the last book you read?

Old Man’s War, John Scalzi, first of a series by this author and although not my usual read, it was a fast-paced story with a fascinating take

on consciousness transference. Might even read the next installment.

One word that could describe your experience of itSMF Australia?

Is top-notch one word? Should be.

Have you ever been to an itSMF Conference, if so what was your conference experience like and do you have a lasting memory?

Sydney 2015 and I have a lasting memory of impressive speakers, informative workshops and networking with like-minded people.