It's History! March 2013 | Page 3

The written language of the Maya was made up of about 800 glyphs, or symbols.


The ancient Maya, a diverse group of indigenous people who lived in parts of present-day Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, had one of the most sophisticated and complex civilizations in the Western Hemisphere. Between about 300 and 900 A.D., the Maya were responsible for a number of remarkable scientific achievements--in astronomy, agriculture, engineering and communications.

Cortez invaded the Yucatan Peninsula in the 1519. At first, the Aztec people welcomed the conquistadors. Soon thereafter, the relationship between Montezuma II and Cortes soured. Malinche--an Aztec woman translator for Cortes--betrayed the Aztec people and aided Cortes in his devastation of the indigenous cultures.

For Montezuma II, the invaders coming to Aztec land were not surpising the Aztecs. In fact, tales of Aztec gods tell of one god that promised to return. Moreover, the characteristics of the god and the Spanish invaders were very similar. So similar, in fact, that Montezuma had mistaken Cortes for the returning God.

Although Montezuma welcomed Cortes, he knew deep down that the god had left angry and sought revenge. As soon as Cortes stepped onto the Veracruz coastline, Montezuma II knew Cortes's purpose.

The Aztecs were out tooled, out manned, and out done biologically. The disease of the Spanish ravaged the Aztec empire, killing most indigenous peoples. Sadly, at this point, much of Aztec culture died with its people.

As historians, we are left to search for evidence and draw conclusion, whether or not those conclusions support what we think we already know.

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Each one represented a word or a syllable, and could be combined with other infinitively.

As a result, there were three or four different ways to write almost every Mayan word.