ITPLAST Ottobre 2022 | Page 9

FIMIC [ on cover ] continuous improvement with the aim of achieving high levels of technological competence , customer satisfaction , social and environmental responsibility . As companies in this sector , we also have the duty of giving advice to our customers and in this period , also to those who want to enter this world , with little experience in the sector . Recycling needs us , there are no books but only experience in the field . Based on our experience and based on the material to be processed , Fimic does not recommend the same filter based on just the type of material . Our historic RAS melt filter has reached the serial number 430 . Versatile melt filter , sold all over the world , allows you to handle the dirtiest materials on the market . To give some indications increases . In fact , the percentage of plastic waste generally is around 1 %, but if we increase the contamination , the waste can also increase proportionally . RAS don ’ t need prefilters and reaches up to 2 tons of LDPE or HDPE with a single laser or punched screen , ( different according to the filtration needed ). In the event of an increase in hourly production , the GEM takes over , to reach up to 3 tons of LDPE or HDPE , obviously based on MFI or filtration . In this case we are talking about a TWIN filter , as we increase the filtering surface of the RAS 700 ( almost 4 thousand cm2 ) with only two screens by 35 %. GEM 600 in fact has 5500 cm2 with only two screens . In the case of very high and probably aggressive contaminations , there is also

Fimic srl Via Ospitale , 54 35010 Carmignano di Brenta ( PD ) - Italy Tel . + 39 049 595 71 63 Fax + 39 049 595 80 96 e-mail : info @ fimic . it web site : www . fimic . it we have come to remove 15 % of paper , but obviously if we are talking about more aggressive contaminants , the percentage is drastically reduced . In the case of metals or soil for example , it is reduced to 1 % in order to work safely , with little risk of breakage or wear . In fact , our customers generally use 1 to 2 lasers per month , but those customers who decide to use the melt filter to eliminate very high percentages of contamination , due to a poorly performing or non-existent washing , pay obviously much more for the filter maintenance . And the waste
www . plastmagazine . it the possibility of installing the ERA , a melt filter with two filtration chambers . This allows to avoid to have two filters in the same line , because ERA filters twice with in a single screen changer . RAS , GEM and ERA are therefore suggested for materials defined as post-consumer , while if we wanted to talk about post-industrial material , in this case ,
Ein führendes Unternehmen im Kunststoffrecycling und die Kreislaufwirtschaft
Dank der Erfahrung und des Wissens , das Fimic in 25 Jahren auf dem Kunststoffrecyclingmarkt gesammelt hat , kennt sich das Unternehmen mit diesen Prozessen bestens aus und weiß , was für ein effizientes Recycling im Rahmen einer Kreislaufwirtschaft wirklich erforderlich ist . Das Unternehmen ist sich seinen Kompetenzen bewusst und hat eine klare Vorstellung von seiner weltweiten Aufgabe : Schutz der Umwelt durch ein ordnungsgemäßes Recycling von Kunststoffen und deren optimale Wiederverwendung . Fimic richtet seine Strategie auf kontinuierliche Verbesserung aus , schließlich legt man großen Wert auf technologische Kompetenz , Kundenzufriedenheit , soziale und ökologische Verantwortung . Als in diesem Sektor tätiges Unternehmen berät Fimic seine Kunden und derzeit auch diejenigen , die in diese Welt einsteigen möchten , aber wenig Erfahrung darin haben . Recycling braucht uns : wir haben hierüber zwar keine Bücher , aber dafür Branchenerfahrung .
The RAS melt filter Das Siebmodell RAS
we have recently completed the development of a filter suitable for an automatic but very fine and delicate filtration . The TEN in fact uses the mesh belt , which as everyone knows , is perfect for the filtration of low contaminated materials ( max 1 %) and small in size . The TEN was recently installed in Italy and like many meshes , a manual protection filter was recommended to the customer to avoid excessive consumption of the mesh for contaminations exceeding a millimeter . To complete the product range , in 2021 we also launched a new product , SPA . A pump dedicated to the world of recycling , as it avoids gears and use a single screw . In this way we avoid a protective prefilter and we will achieve extremely low maintenance costs . SPA will be installed this year in Japan and Saudi Arabia on two twin-screw extruders , and it will obviously be our responsibility to inform you about the results immediately afterwards . All this is Fimic , 65 melt filters sold in 2021 , 45 people dedicated to the world of recycling to improve the quality of plastic as a real value for the future .
Italian technology plast / October 2022