ITPLAST Ottobre 2022 | Page 31

MACHINERY [ Injection Moulding ]

The eKW full electric press , the best solution for co-moulding processes Spritzgießmaschine aus der Baureihe eKW full electric , die beste Lösung im Mehrkomponentenspritzguss
New production unit for the assembly and testing of large tonnage presses Neue Produktionseinheit , für Montage und Abnahme von Maschinen großer Tonnage
of Italian domestic sales to 40 per cent . It now remains to evaluate the long-term effect of the problems related to the shortage of raw materials , which has been going on for some time now and which is putting the entire manufacturing sector in serious difficulty , forcing BMB to endure a situation that , hopefully , will come to an end in the shortest possible time .
THE GREENPLAST SHOW IN MILAN Sustainability was the main theme of the first edition of
The KX 4500 / 2x68000 press with 2 platens Spritzgießmaschine KX 4500 / 2x68000 mit 2 Platten
sign stage , which takes advantage of the most advanced technologies and the simulation of the various processes , to meet any moulding need , even the most complex and based on the use of recycled materials , transforming each project into growth opportunities for those customers committed to environmental sustainability . A team of young and motivated engineers are the real added value of the design stage at BMB , always careful , innovative and often made to measure .
INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS In terms of innovative projects , BMB has recently developed a 1,000-ton injection moulding machine of the HP series ( H with two parallel injection units ), intended for the production of buckets in which the inner part is produced with a low quality recyclate , while the external one is made from virgin polyethylene of excellent quality , so
as to be able to have an aesthetically valid product with a high recycled content . All this is in line with BMB ‘ s strategy , which has always made the customization of solutions and the constant search for innovative technology the cornerstones of its approach to customers . In this sense , although the demand for hybrid machines is stable , fully-electric cars are gaining a lot of space within the European , South American and Middle Eastern markets , where BMB has grown a lot in the last ten years , even reaching peaks of 70 per cent in exports .
GROWING DEMAND Since 2019 , however , also by virtue of government tax facilities linked to Industry 4.0 projects , Italian domestic demand has soared , with the widespread replacement of machinery fleets in production plants , bringing the share
the Greenplast exhibition , held from 3 to 6 May at the Milan-Rho exhibition centre , a big success with the public far exceeding expectations . The event , organized by The Innovation Alliance ( established by Fiera Milano , Deutsche Messe and the associations Acimga , Amaplast , Ucima and Argi ), hosted 170 exhibitors from 14 countries who dealt with the issues of recycling , recovery and energy efficiency , and exhibiting machines and innovative solutions for raw materials , semi-finished and finished products from recycled and bio-based materials . A very positive result also thanks to the participation of over twenty international delegations from different European countries , the Mediterranean basin and the Middle East , in collaboration with ICE , the Italian institute for foreign trade . And , if at first the participation of BMB at Greenplast was also aimed to support this new initiative , in the end it proved to be a real success . BMB presented itself at the event focusing in particular on one of the main themes
Italian technology plast / October 2022
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