Italian American Digest 7Italian American Digest FALL 2018 | Page 9
FALL 2018
I talian A merican D igest
Elenian Club Toasts the Past and the Present
rose. The red rose is the flower of
the Elenian Club and each part of the
rose represents the different offices
in the Elenian Club. Before passing
The Elenian Club held its Instal-
the gavel to the incoming
lation Luncheon at the
president, Robin Hum-
Quarter View Restaurant
mel thanked everyone for
on June 2. The program
their support.
began when Robin Hum-
On July 21, the Elenian
mel, Elenian President,
Club held its President’s
welcomed the Elenian
Luncheon at Impastato’s
members and guests.
Restaurant in Metairie.
The Elenian Prayer and
The past presidents
Pledge of Allegiance
welcomed the 2018-19
was said by Maria Villa-
president, Lisa Ingraham,
a third-generation Elenian
Elenian President
Club member. Every-
Robin Hummel select-
one enjoyed a delicious
ed Ozanam Inn as her
Italian meal topped off
charity and presented
with amaretto parfait for
a check to Mr. Biaggio
DiGiovanni. Ozanam
Established in 1934
Inn provides services to
cultural, educational,
men, women and chil-
civic and social activities,
dren at no charge. It is
the Elenian Club is an
the goal of Ozanam Inn
energetic, philanthropic
to comfort all who are
group of women who are
vulnerable, less fortunate
keeping their Italian her-
and in need, and help
itage alive. The Elenians
them realize their poten-
welcome new and former
tial. Robin Hummel pre-
members to experience
sented the Rose Award
our rejuvenated club. For
to Joan Chifici for her
more information about
service and dedication to Seated from left to right: Barbara Chifci, Robin Hummel and Lisa Ingraham. Standing from left
the Elenian Club, please
the Elenian Club.
to right: Virginia Eckholdt, Judith Miranti, Nancy Hamburger, Maria Mire, Marita Romano,
contact Lisa Ingraham at
Virigina Eckholdt did
Faith Peperone and Mary Lynn Roberts.
[email protected].
the Installation of Offi-
by Faith Peperone
cers and presented each incoming
officer with a long-stemmed red