Never Trash The Competition . If you have to bad-mouth a specific competitor to win a sale instead of selling on your merits , you ’ re pitiful and unprofessional . If someone has to sell you on their services by telling you how bad a competitor is , you should walk away . Sell on your merits … and if you don ’ t have any , get some .
Sending Emails And Connecting With People On Social Media Are NOT Productive Prospecting Activities .
You get zero points unless a call is tied to it . Outside salespeople are called “ outside ” salespeople for a reason . You ’ re supposed to get outside of the office to go meet with check writers . COVID-19 is over . Get out to networking events , meetings , and conferences . Network . Visit people . Conduct canvassing . That ’ s your job if you ’ re a hunter .
NEVER leave a meeting with a prospect without a SCHED- ULED next action . Don ’ t waste your time . If they aren ’ t interested , have a polite and professional way to find out — and then walk away to find a better , more interested prospect who is ready to buy . You must maintain control of the process or you ’ ll waste your time .
Don ’ t Sell To People Who Only Have The Authority To Say ‘ NO .’ It ’ s difficult enough to deal with willingness to buy ; don ’ t handicap yourself with their inability to buy , too . How do you know if they have the authority to buy ? Who influences their decisions ? Who is truly calling the shots ? Scripts and practice help , but you must have a willingness to ask tough questions . Are you the fool or the favorite ? Ask , “ Why do you want to do business with us ?”
Don ’ t whine and complain about the competition , the market , your customers , the leads you ’ re getting , etc . IF you ’ re doing enough of the right activities , you will succeed .
You have to make up in numbers what you lack in skill . Following from the above , the weaker and more underdeveloped your skills are , the more you ’ ll need to do . Repetition of correct fundamentals develops skill . If you ’ re not willing to put in the work and do the activities required to succeed , you shouldn ’ t be in sales .
Have Something INTERESTING To Share . Why should someone take your call ? Your meeting ? If all you can offer is to pitch a product or talk to someone about their “ needs ,” you don ’ t deserve a callback or a meeting . Great salespeople are fountains of knowledge and true consultants . They know things others don ’ t . When you meet with a true professional who knows their industry , product , and client , they can tell you things that are truly valuable . Bottom line , if you want more prospects to meet with you , do a better job at selling them on what THEY will get from the meeting .
Invite The ‘ No .’ Your job is not alchemy , turning a cold rock into a gold nugget . Instead , keep prospecting to find the ones who want what you ’ re selling . Endlessly following up on people who were too polite to tell you “ no ” to your face is a giant waste of time . Let your marketing do the drip marketing for you , and put your efforts into finding someone who is ready to buy now .
Whining and complaining has never solved a problem , closed a sale , or accomplished anything productive . Grow up . Nobody is impressed by how good your excuses are . n
There is no doubt about it : Robin Robins has helped more MSPs and IT services businesses to double - even triple - sales , profits and MRR growth than any other marketing consultant in the IT services industry , period . As a trusted advisor to over 10,000 IT services business owners for over 18 years , Robin knows a thing or two about what it takes to grow sales , recurring revenue streams and a profitable client base for an IT services business .
Follow Up Fast On EVERY Lead . The faster you respond , the better your chances are of getting the deal . Make sure you don ’ t give up on leads too quickly , and call at least 5 – 7 times in addition to emailing , mailing , and social messaging before you put them into drip marketing .
If you want to be successful in sales , you should work MORE than 9 to 5 . You control your income — and your raise becomes effective the minute you work more . Also , as the saying goes , “ Learners are earners .” What book are you reading ? What method are you studying to be at the top of your game ? If you see yourself as a professional , you are constantly sharpening your skills .