Web Class For Business Owners Who Want An Automatic & Profitable Way To Get New Customers , Clients , or Patients …
Get Better Leads and More Clients In Just One Hour Per Month Go to : www . UltimateWebinarSystem . com
• How to use webinars to get high-quality prospects who are ready , willing , and able to pay your fees , to schedule consultations with you . ( Yes , that sounds like “ hype ,” but when you see the complete model , you ’ ll understand why it ’ s true .)
• Why the old model of attracting clients is dead and what you need to do immediately instead . ( This is mission-critical information , especially with what is happening right now .)
• How using George Costanza ’ s marketing secret will leapfrog you over your competitors . ( This principle is shockingly simple , but only the bravest of the brave will ever use it . See if that ’ s you when you tune in .)
• The ONE THING that will make you the preeminent authority and go-to professional in your target market . ( Do this , and you ’ ll immediately escape the commodity trap . Again , this is more important than ever for thriving now and in the future .)
• The three biggest mistakes that kill webinar results and what to do instead . ( Almost everyone makes these mistakes . Fix them , and the number of appointments you get will skyrocket .)
• How “ psychic selling ” will increase the number of qualified prospects who schedule appointments with you . ( This is the most controversial part of the training , but if you use it ethically , more people will say “ yes ” to you .)
• Plus so much more !
Reserve your spot now : www . ultimatewebinarsystem . com
About Your Host :
Dave Dee has been helping entrepreneurs sell more of their products and services for the past 25 years . Known as “ The King Of One-To-Many Selling ,” Dave is a master of showing business owners how to craft and deliver group presentations that convert .
Tim Piccirillo , a marketing consultant says , “ Your stuff as basically tripled my business and my income . Anyone not using your material should have their head examined .”
During this one-of-a-kind web class , Dave will show you a new and unique way to attract a consistent , reliable , and predictable flow of new customers , clients , or patients every month like clockwork using webinars .