“ I define a leader as anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes , and who has the courage to develop that potential .”
– Brene Brown , research professor , lecturer , and author
“ Does coaching work ? Yes . Good coaches provide a truly important service . They tell you the truth when no one else will .”
– Jack Welch , former CEO of GE
“ One of the most important things about leadership is that you have to have the kind of humility that will allow you to be coached .”
– Jim Yong Kim , former president of World Bank
“ I absolutely believe that people , unless coached , never reach their maximum capabilities .”
– Bob Nardelli , former CEO of Chrysler and The Home Depot
“ Coaching is unlocking a person ’ s potential to maximize their growth .”
– Sir John Whitmore , co-founder of the GROW model , author , and British race car driver
“ Everyone needs a coach , whether it ’ s a top level executive , a graduate student , a homemaker , a homeless person , or the President of the United States .”
– Tony Robbins , author and motivational speaker
“ Coaches have to watch for what they don ’ t want to see and listen to what they don ’ t want to hear .”
– John Madden , former NFL head coach and sports commentator
“ I believe that wherever there is mastery , coaching is occurring . And whenever coaching is done , mastery will be the outcome .”
– Andrea J . Lee , mentor coach and author
A dream is only a dream until you write it down . Then it ’ s a goal . Goal setting is important because it helps you map out your life ”
– Emmitt Smith , former NFL player and author