IT Radix - Cathy Coloff Edition 4 - October 2022 | Page 11

was one of two freshmen allowed to play varsity . On his first day of practice , when they handed him the ball , he fumbled three straight times in a row . The offense coordinator grabbed him by the face mask , shook his mask , and told him he would never amount to anything if he couldn ’ t take care of the football because the football was the most important thing on the field . “ He made me feel small ,” Emmitt said . “ I was so mad and hot the next time I ran through the cornerback so bad , I think I broke his collarbone . I was mad , but I was challenged to a level that made me start to focus on the things that were most important … If you want to become better at whatever it is you ’ re trying to do as an organization , you must do self-reflection . You have to be able to analyze not only the good but also the bad . As a team , as football players , and as business owners , when we win , everybody is excited , and everybody is giving high-fives . But when we lose , everybody ’ s disappointed . Are you taking time to analyze the things that cost the game ?”
Design Your Environment To Dissuade Negativity .
Pessimists are all around you . Protect your environment from negativity by hanging around positive people . Avoid people who have not experienced the success you ’ re looking to achieve and don ’ t understand your journey . While everybody has an opinion , they don ’ t necessarily have a clue about what you ’ re experiencing in your business . Emmitt likened it to asking a high school coach who doesn ’ t have any experience with pro football . Instead , find someone who has achieved what you want to achieve and is willing to share their knowledge with you .
“ You are a product of your environment ,” Emmitt said . “ You absolutely must set up boundaries in every aspect of life . Positive-thinking people inspire others to be positive-thinking people , too . That ’ s not to say we all have to think the same , but if you challenge me on a thought so I can find revelation within that thought , and it works both ways , we are going to be cool all day , every day , because you have something to give me and I have something to give you instead of someone just sucking all the energy out of you . Also , find people who have gone places you have not gone and speak to those folks who understand what it ’ s like to go through that process . Naysayers are everywhere … Twitter , Instagram , and Facebook have naysayers all over them . If you really want someone who ’ s been there , done it , and got a T-shirt for it , you find that person and then you ask all the questions you want to ask . If they ’ re willing to share it , they ’ re willing to share . If they ’ re not , find somebody else who ’ s been there because someone on this planet has been where you are trying to go .”
These principles are something Emmitt lives day in , day out . He says when you are doing things on a repetitive basis , it becomes ingrained in you . “ Make whatever it is that you ’ re doing become your lifestyle . Make your habits , quality habits , not just any habit . And at the end of the day , when you get done , you will look up and you will look back on your journey , and you will see the process and the things you put into becoming successful . As legendary coach Paul Bryant said , ‘ If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride , you will be a winner .’ The price of victory is high , but so are the rewards .” n


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