IT Radix - Cathy Coloff Edition 4 - October 2022 | Page 10

Legendary NFL MVP , Emmitt Smith , Presenting On Main Stage At The 2022 IT Sales And Marketing Bootcamp
watching him . “ Success is there to be shared , not to be reserved for just you ,” Emmitt said . “ It ’ s enjoyable when you have others to share it with . Knowledge is to be shared , not just remain in your head , but to be taken out and given to others freely . The reason why is because what you know , the nuances , others might not get it . And what ’ s for you is for you . And what ’ s for someone else to do with that information is for them . They ’ ll figure it out . But to help another one move along their path is all we ’ ve been called to do .”
Maintain An Attitude Of Humility .
Remember your humble beginnings and , despite your success , never see yourself as better than others . Also , command attention and respect not by demanding it , but by earning it . “ My mother always told me , ‘ Son , treat people with respect and command respect at the same time ,’” Emmitt said . “ Humility is one thing I ’ ve been able to home in on throughout the entire process . I try not to project myself upon others and try to carry myself as a normal approachable person versus walking around with this halo . I allow people to treat me the way they want to treat me or the way they believe I should be treated . I don ’ t walk around with this expectation that someone is going to treat me special because of what I ’ ve done .”
Never Forget It Takes A Team To Be Successful . No one becomes successful alone . Never forget the importance of recognizing your team . After a game in his freshman year in high school in which Emmitt had eight carries , rushed for 245 yards , and scored two touchdowns — all in the first half — his coach allowed him to speak to the
press . As Emmitt answered the press ’ s questions about the game , his answers were all focused on what he had contributed to the game without mentioning his teammates . “ Afterward , the coach put his arm around me , walked me back into the locker room , and he said , ‘ Listen son , every chance you get , you share the spotlight with those five guys up front . You didn ’ t block for yourself . You didn ’ t hand the ball to yourself . And you definitely didn ’ t throw the ball to yourself .’”
The next practice , when Emmitt took off running to the line of scrimmage , his entire offensive line laid down and he got hit by the entire defensive line . “ I got up saying , ‘ Coach , I got it , I got it , I got it ,’” Emmitt said . “ It was a lesson in humility . No one , I repeat , no one becomes successful by themselves . It takes everybody to be successful in every organization . Even at home , nobody can shoulder all this weight by themselves . I could not have become the all-time leader in rushing without the great wall of Dallas in front of me … I don ’ t care what anybody says , no one is successful by themselves . The people who are not the most recognizable in the organization are the ones who are doing a lot of the grunt work behind the scenes to make you and me look good . Our marketing teams are taking the skill sets we offer and the service we offer and make it and prop it up and sell it to the community .”
Engage In Self-Reflection To Get Better .
To get to the level of success you want to get to , take time to analyze everything after losses , setbacks , or mistakes . Look at what is working and what isn ’ t working . Ask hard questions such as if you executed your game plan and whether your competition is in better shape than your organization . When Emmitt was a freshman in high school , he