IT Radix - Cathy Coloff Edition 2 - June 2022 | Page 25

LinkedIn Business Booster 2
LinkedIn Business Booster 3


your ideal client ?
When you write a post of any kind , make sure to add a few lines of space and include up to five relevant hashtags .
LinkedIn Business Booster 2
Use your “ Headline ” to attract your ideal client , not simply tell others who you are .
If I went to your LinkedIn profile right now , I almost guarantee under your photo it ’ ll say , “ CEO / Founder Of ( Your Company ).”
This is the most viewed part of your profile because each time you create a post , comment on a post , or someone sees your main page , that ’ s what they see .
Instead of telling the world about that first , why not do what Technology Marketing Toolkit Producer ’ s Club Member Ross Brouse does and use that space to attract
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LinkedIn Business Booster 3
Pretend your background photo is a billboard on a highway that your ideal clients travel down each day that you ’ re actually PAYING for . Is your current background what you ’ d want people to see ? Most backgrounds for personal profiles that I see are , at best , a logo from their company and , at worst , a stock photo or image that has no way of ever getting any business .
Use This Space To Do 3 Things :
1 . Restate your unique selling proposition ( USP )
2 . Tell people what to do to take the next step
3 . Give them your website URL or other ways to connect with you
Here ’ s an example of Robins ’ post that does all three of those things .
Even something like “ Manhattan ’ s Premier IT Firm For Small To Medium-Sized Law Firms ” is GREAT .
Decide if you want to brag or you want business .
( As a side note , we consciously changed Robin Robins ’ profile to position her as a thought leader and CEO in the space we ’ re in AFTER she hit about 15,000 followers instead of using the formula above . Hit 15,000 , and then we can talk about what you should do .)
Here ’ s another example from outside the industry :
While there ’ s a lot more you can do with LinkedIn , these three items would at most take about an hour , one time , to update your background and headline and then maybe 10 – 15 minutes a week to create at least three personal posts .
Start here and stay consistent , and you will get more views , referrals , calls , messages , leads , and even business using these three free LinkedIn Business Boosters !
Want more LinkedIn strategies ? Check out “ The Secret To Getting More Leads When You Have No List , No Emails , And No Cold Calling ” at MSPSuccessMagazine . com / linkedin . n
See how his headline shows “ I Help Solopreneurs Grow To 30K Engaged Followers In 12 Months ”?
We hired Gary as a consultant because I saw this exact headline . I guarantee I would not have hired him if , instead , he used that space to say , “ Founder / CEO Of Blooming Bound | LinkedIn Strategist .”
That would have meant nothing to me . Instead , he got thousands of dollars from us for consulting ( and it was well worth it !)
Mike Stodola is the chief marketing officer at Technology Marketing Toolkit , where he brings his passion for marketing and sales to its members and customers . Mike founded , grew , and sold two of his own service businesses outside of Chicago before seeking to take his experience to thousands of other entrepreneurs by working with companies that focus on them . In his free time , you ’ ll probably find him eating his way through his new home of Nashville and posting photos of his food-journey on Instagram .