IT Radix - Cathy Coloff Edition 2 - June 2022 | Page 24

Mike Stodola
PREMIUM Search for people , jobs , companies , and more ...

3 Ways To Get FREE Leads From LinkedIn

I have a love / hate relationship with LinkedIn .
It has amazing data and targeting options , especially for B2B marketing .
But their ad platform , in general , stinks and tends to be pretty expensive .
But … they have things like message ads and conversation ads , which are really cool and work surprisingly well .
All this baggage , though , is probably a conversation that ’ s better left between my marketing therapist and me .
Today , I ’ m going to show you three ways to get FREE business from LinkedIn .
First , though , we need to realize that even though LinkedIn is really a B2B social networking tool , the keyword here is still “ social .”
This means that your personal profile and updates you write personally will get a broader reach and more comments , shares , and attention than anything you do for your business .
For instance , Robin Robins ’ LinkedIn profile has nearly 18,000 followers .
Technology Marketing Toolkit has an anemic 2,755 followers by comparison .
“ Shark Tank ” star Robert Herjavec has 43 times more people following him than his company , The Herjavec Group .
An Inspirational / Motivational Quote
A Business Philosophy
Mike Stodola
Chief Marketing Officer at Technology Marketing Toolkit
Nashville Area | Marketing
This Brings Us To LinkedIn Business Booster 1
Post on your personal LinkedIn profile regularly .
I ’ m not saying you shouldn ’ t be posting on your company profile , because you should !
But don ’ t ignore your personal profile . Make sure you ’ re putting something there at least three times a week .
Some good things to post are an inspirational quote , a business philosophy , or a “ truth ” that you believe .
Here is an example of each .
A ‘ Truth ’