Rules and Regulations
Using the IT services provided by Keele University is
covered by an Acceptable Use Policy. Take some time to
read the IT Conditions of Use at
IT Conditions of Use (IT Regulations)
The aim of these regulations is to help ensure that the
IT facilities can be used safely, lawfully and fairly.
The issues covered by these regulations are
complex and you are strongly urged to read the
accompanying guidance notes from This gives more
detailed information that we hope you’ll find useful.
1 Scope
These regulations apply to anyone using the IT facilities
(hardware, software, data, network access, third party
services, online services or IT credentials) provided or
arranged by Keele University.
Throughout the regulations reference is made
to the following terms
• University – Keele University
• Members of the University include staff,
students and visiting authorised users
• User – member of the University
• Director – Director of Finance and IT
or designated officer
• JANET – Joint Academic Network
• IT systems – communication, telephones,
network facilities, hardware, software
• Username – IT Account Name
• IT Credentials – username and password,
smart card, identity hardware
2 Governance
When using IT, you remain subject to the same laws
and regulations as in the physical world.
It is expected that your conduct is lawful. Furthermore,
ignorance of the law is not considered to be an adequate
defence for unlawful conduct.
When accessing services from another jurisdiction,
you must abide by all relevant local laws, as well as
those applicable to the location of the service.
You are bound by the University’s general regulation