IT Handbook | Page 19

Staying safe online Top Tips for Staying Safe Get Safe Online’s top tips... 2. Make your passwords long and strong and always choose unique passwords for each of your online accounts. Never give away your password to anyone. • Have precautions in place to protect against data loss, theft or unauthorised replication, according to the level of risk. 1. Make sure your computer has up-to-date internet security software. • Be aware of exactly what data is stored or replicated where, the level of associated risk and the consequences of its loss. 3. Always keep regular backups of your computer and smartphone/tablet. It might be a good idea to use an encrypted USB in order to keep your data safe. 4. Always download the latest software and operating system updates when prompted. For further information on staying safe online visit 5. Social networking – be careful how much personal information you reveal on sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Weibo by checking the privacy and security settings. Using either the University network or PCs to download or share illegal copyrighted material is not permitted. Remember, if you’ve just been sent a link on how to get the latest cinema releases or albums free of charge, it is usually illegal and infringes the copyright of the owners. 6. When in doubt throw it out: links in emails, tweets and posts are often used to steal personal information. If it looks suspicious it is always best to delete it or mark it as spam. Data Loss Prevention Preventing your data from loss or falling into the wrong hands should be a key part of your IT strategy … and day-today housekeeping. The consequences of such events can include breaches of confidentiality… [and] financial losses… [for example]. Copyright Infringement Keele University is notified by copyright agencies working on behalf of the owners and legal action may be taken against the person sharing or downloading the material. The University may also take University Disciplinary action against an offender who fails to comply. For more advice about copyright infringement visit copyrightinfringement 19