a blend of tradition and modernity, and they are also another transparent
and always working with dignity. brand. They’ve shown that a sleek pair
Forty years ago, the founder started of trainers can be made sustainably.
with a loan of $550, built a company Prana products are another brand
now worth well over $1 billion, and making considerable sustainable
did it ethically. He wanted to build efforts.
a company that would live on for 9. Matt, if you could dress one
centuries and his decisions are hence celebrity or public figure who would
rooted in long-term thinking, and we’d it be and why?
love Benjamin Siggers to follow the I would love to dress Leonardo
same path. DiCaprio. Aside from everything else,
I (Matt) also admire Everlane’s he is also a climate change champion,
business model, who gave birth so it would be a great fit.
to what they coined ‘radical 10. James, what makes Dubai so
transparency’. At the time it was special?
unheard of for a luxury company to Dubai has so much potential still and
offer that level of transparent insight is therefore a great place to build a
and it has had considerable influence brand. It is a melting pot of expats
on our thinking at Benjamin Siggers, from all over the world, so a perfect
as there certainly is a lack of it in our test market for the various products
market. we have in the pipeline, not to
As a trainer fan, Veja is another brand mention the vision of the leaders here
I admire. They use organic materials is inspiring.