5. Where do you see the brand in 5 7. Is it important for you both to
years? stay on top of emerging trends in
We aim to be the market leader in the wider fashion industry? Do you
sustainable luxury menswear, with find that it has any impact on the
all our clothing made from organic tailoring service that you offer?
materials without the use of harmful With tailoring things don’t change
chemicals. We also are seeking to much. A suit is one of those classic
forge a presence in the major cities items you should be able to wear 10
across the world, and a range of years from now and it look just as
products that go beyond suits, shirts good as it does today. Even so, it is
and ties. still important for us to stay on top of
6. How does the luxury tailoring emerging industry trends. Moreover,
scene in Dubai compare with the rest we are committed to staying on top of
of the GCC? developments in sustainability, as it’s
Dubai is the epicenter of many important for us to ‘walk the walk’.
industries in the GCC and we feel that End of life is now quite topical, so for
this is true for tailoring as well. This example, we ask ourselves how we can
is where the largest population of make our business circular.
people who fit our client profile lives; 8. What luxury brands and fashion
they are generally based in Dubai even houses do you admire and why?
if they are doing business across the We both really admire Brunello
GCC. Therefore, Dubai represents the Cucinelli’s approach and share many
biggest market for us. of the same values, which include