other directories to get unique links to our sites . I wrote a full article about the process called “ The One Man Formula for Ranking Fast ” in the June 2011 issue . You can find it inside the Illuminati members ’ area .
We ’ ve spent a lot of time and money on tools that automated this process , but the problem when all is said and done , is just that … it was automated . Any automation tool that leaves footprints could eventually be seen by Google and caught .
Then recently we ran into a “ shiny object ” that is so cool , it automates the whole process , but with real people . Let me explain . Usually when you are spinning articles , you use a software program , but this new tool actually takes real people and has them do all of the work for you .
It ’ s a tool that you can find at www . HumanSpinner . com and what ’ s cool is that it only costs you $ 0.12 per sentence rewrite . Let me explain how it works .
I ’ m sure that some of you have heard about Amazon ’ s service called the mechanical turk ( www . mturk . com ). I want to tell you the background story of why it ’ s called the “ mechanical turk .”
The mechanical turk was a fake chess playing machine someone made in the 18th century . The box was supposed to be like a computer that could beat humans at chess . The box toured around and beat some of the best chess players of the time . Years later they found out that it was just a hoax and actually had a small Turk inside of the box who was really good at chess . So that ’ s the story of where the mechanical turk came from .
So what Human Spinner does is take your article , and instead of using a computer to spin the articles , it hooks into mturk . com and has real people from around the world manually re-write your articles sentence by sentence . Here are just a few ideas of how you can use it :
• Turn PLR ( or original ) articles into hundreds of unique articles
• Increase article submission effectiveness with unique article versions
• Avoid Article Submission duplicate content penalties
After we have created the articles , we follow a simple three step process that you can learn in more detail by reading the article called “ The One Man Formula for Ranking Fast .” Here ’ s a summary :
• Step 1 : Create the article and use “ Human Spinner ” to turn it into multiple articles .
• Step 2 : I include three backlinks to my website ( s ) in each article that I create . So each time one of these articles is submitted , it will give me three new backlinks .
• Step 3 : Leverage other pre-built blog networks . We submit these articles to blog networks like these to get mass link distribution :
http :// www . SEOLinkVine . com http :// www . ArticleRanks . com http :// SyndicateKahuna . com http :// MyArticleNetwork . com http :// LinkVana . com http :// BuildMyRank . com http :// SickSubmitter . com
This process is very simple , but it ’ s very important to be consistent with it .
Selling Space
Last week I had a chance to go to New York for seven days while attending two events . The events were awesome , but one of the things I really saw in action while there was how much money you can make “ selling space .”
The first time I noticed it I was walking around Times Square and I saw all of the huge billboards on the sides of all the buildings ( covering up the tenants ’ windows ) selling everything from movies to jeans . Every spot possible was covered in advertisements including taxis , t-shirts and more .
Next , we went into our conference ( which wasn ’ t a typical multi-speaker event ) but at this event , the focus was the huge room with booths from every advertising and affiliate network in the world . The conference
6 | September 2011 www . DotComSecrets . com