Power Marketing
Power Marketing
360 game consoles , you might want to link to your home page with the anchor text of xbox 360 game console .
You can use a mind map , spreadsheet , or simply a text document or site map . List out the pages on your site , then associate the appropriate keyword ( and any secondary keywords or stemmed versions ( plural versions or other variations of a word or phrase ) with each page on your site .
This is a relatively easy process , and much easier than the keyword research itself .
Now that you have your keywords mapped to the pages that you are going to focus on getting them ranked for , you need to strategically place them when creating or editing pages of your existing site .
In the next section we ’ ll go over some of the major places you can place your keywords to receive benefits from an on page standpoint . This will help establish relevancy to that keyword for your page in the eyes of the search engines , and help to rank your site .
Keep in mind that everyone has their own opinions , some people will tell you that meta tags don ’ t matter anymore , search engines don ’ t look at meta keywords tags , etc . We ’ re not here to argue points on those today , merely tell you what we do to our pages and our clients ’ pages , and have achieved number one rankings for thousands and thousands of keywords including some with over 1.3 billion competing .
Optimal Places to Put Your Keywords :
• In the page Title Tag : This is the text that appears in the far upper left corner of your browser . Frequently it says index , home , etc . This can be easily changed in the html or other code of your page .
• In the first words in the first paragraph
• In the URL : You might not be able to change your domain name , but you can name your individual page after your keyword ( for example : www . site . com / keyword . html )
• Alt Image tags for images on the page
• In the first words of the meta description : This is not visible on your page , but is visible to the search engines , and when you view the source for the page . This is also quite often used as your description in the search engine results pages , so not only having your keywords listed here , but having a compelling call to action , or even a mini-sales letter here can be extremely advantageous in getting searchers to choose to click on your listing out of the other 10 or more listings on the first page .
• In the first words of the meta keywords tag
• In H1 tags in the body : Or the paragraph title .
• Mixed in throughout the body copy : The exact number of occurrences depends upon the length of the body copy , but having your keyword or keyword phrase appear about four times per 100 words is a good rule of thumb .
• in the Last sentence
That is a good start . Remember though , we don ’ t want to “ keyword stuff ” the page , or go overboard with it either . You don ’ t want to have your keyword phrase appear 40 times in a 400 word paragraph . You also don ’ t want your page title tag to read : “ keyword , keyword , keyword , keyword .”
Just keep in mind the above , and when it makes sense , work your keywords into these places . If you don ’ t work on pages or do web design , you might need to get the help of your webmaster or a friend to modify this for you . Good luck and rank well . DCS
By Mike Richey , CEO of Coolbubba Multimedia , LLC
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