How to use simple SEO strategies to drive massive amounts of targeted traffic ! - by Mike Richey , CEO of Coolbubba Multimedia , LLC
Implementing basic SEO strategies , either when building your site , or overhauling an existing one , can make the difference between little or no free search traffic at all , or literally floods of free traffic which you can then convert into a constant stream of rabid buyers . There are two main parts of search engine optimization :
• On page optimization : This deals with elements on your website like how your pages are put together , keywords and keyword research , and body copy .
• Off page optimization : This includes a great variety of activities that basically amount to different methods of link building like press releases , article marketing , guest blogging , video marketing , social media , bookmarking , forum profile links , blog commenting , and tons more .
We ’ ll cover all this and more over the next few months . This month we ’ ll start with keyword research and some on page optimization .
The ABCs of On Page Optimization
When doing on page optimization , it ’ s best practice to optimize your pages for one major keyword each , and then possibly a few secondary keywords . This doesn ’ t mean by any stretch that you can only rank each page for one keyword .
First , you have keywords , which would be terms like hotels , hotel , travel , cheap tickets , etc . Then you have what are called “ long tail keywords ” which are typically longer phrases that are more targeted . Long tail keywords quite frequently convert better , as people typing them in are further along in the buying process .
For example , someone typing in the keyword “ hotels ” could be researching hotels , doing a report on hotels , looking for a job at hotels , or many other things . But , if someone types in “ budget hotel package la ,” they are more likely looking to make a reservation than someone typing in “ hotels .”
Building Your Keyword Research Toolkit
When planning out your site , you ’ ll want to do keyword research . Keyword research will help you determine a number of things . It will give you a good indication of where some of the demand in your market is and an idea of the number of searches being done on related terms in your niche . It can even show seasonal trends in your market . Quite a bit of information can be
24 | September 2011 www . DotComSecrets . com