The AllLT Team Establishes Customer Rapport
What if , as these needs are identified , you were able to present your solutions ? This is the opportune moment for reaching out to these folks . The AllLT approach identifies these potential customers before they are even fully aware that they need services like those you offer .
The wideranging services offered by AllLT are presented for those undergoing these transitions when they are most in need . This is the solution that you were seeking . Folks needing these services will reach out to AllLT themselves , and a “ connection ” will e made . Solutions are presented through a comprehensive network consisting of nationally known providers as well as local communitybased firms . The solutions are diverse and span he wide range of questions being asked . An individual in need can get answers to any of the myriad of questions they may have . They can get solutions to needs encountered such as finances addressed , legal issues resolved , properties sold , money invested , … essentially they can have anything needing to be done . In fact , in many cases solutions can be provided before a need is actually realized .
All of this is done under the caring , nurturing oversight of an AllLT Concierge Manager . This is someone that has been chosen for this role because they have already been through a similar process and understand and appreciate what their charge is facing . No longer does a person in the throes of a major
upheaval have to try to muddle through ; they now have someone to lean on .
You Become the Knight in Shining Armor
Think about the implications . Who do you think this individual will trust with their propertyrelated issues ? Obviously , the person that has helped them navigate one of the most difficult times of their life .
So if you need new customers , this is where you get involved . Reach out to these folks under the AllLT umbrella , and present your Realtor ® or investor solutions to those folks in your immediate area . Do you want to start your conversations from a position of respect and trust ? If so , then you want to investigate the All Life Transitions partnering programs .
Image by Devanath from Pixabay