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Solving the Cold Call
Much has been written about how you can engage with a new potential customer . There are many guides , books , how to ’ s telling you the best way to make this connection . But at the end of the day , what really is the best approach ? It ’ s obvious : have these folks reach out to you because they trust you . That being said , is this possible if this is really the first time for you to meet them ?
Introducing All Life Transitions
This is the premise upon which All Life Transitions ( AllLT ) has been built . Each and every one of us will encounter periods where we undergo a significant change in our lives . These may be planned or unplanned , but all are characterized by the need for help .
The folks at US Probate Leads , LLC ( USPL ) have long been working with individuals facing these challenges as they relate to end
of life transitions . The probate process does not begin until a person has passed , and that is the ultimate in Life Transitions .
Over the years USPL has identified numerous services and solutions that folks involved in the probate process required . This led to a realization that many of these were needed by folks undergoing other Life Transitional events . This proved to be a ” eureka ” moment because given the many relationships that had been forged over the years USPL was now wellpositioned to provide these same services to an entirely new community .
For the last 18 months USPL has been busy formalizing these offerings into a comprehensive package that could be presented to those facing life transitions . More than 50 individual services and solutions have been identified and are now offered through the Life Transitions Marketplace ( an exclusive offering provided by All Life Transitions ).
This is a Huge Market
This is a sizable niche market . Most everyone knows of someone
93 that either has just completed or is in the process of experiencing one or more of the following liferelated changes :
● Marriage
● Emptynesting
● Divorce or separation
● Job loss or career changes
● Retirement
● Downsizing
● Managing an Estate
● Becoming an Heir
● Financial gain or loss
● Selling a Business
● Moving to Senior Community
● Moving to Disability Center
● Serious illness
● Disability of self or a loved one
● Issues of aging
● Death of a loved one
These events oft times result in a change in living situations . A move may be necessitated , a sale may become necessary , a need may exist to relocate . This is where you as a Realtor an Investor come into the picture . You have the solutions that these folks are seeking .