Issue 26 | Page 68

The only way ISN ’ T Essex as Tees finance firm expands


Infinite possibilities

I ts roots are firmly on Teesside – but Infinity Finance Group ’ s growing ambition is seeing its reach spread across the country .

And while it may not be the only way , Essex is just one area the group is expanding into .
Despite all the restrictions of the past Covidravaged year , Infinity ’ s growth has continued unabated .
An initial £ 1m turnover target was comfortably reached and that ’ s now set to double .
A big part of that is thanks to Infinity ’ s expertise in helping firms access R & D tax credits – essentially , tax rewards for exploring research and development opportunities – which has seen more than 500 new R & D clients signed up .
And taking over respected North Ormesby-based Alpha Financial Independent Planning Group meant Infinity had another valuable string to its bow .
At the time of writing , a move into new premises on Yarm High Street was imminent .
But Chelmsford ? Not many people saw that one coming . For Infinity MD and founder Tony Insall , it ’ s another opportunity to spread the Infinity and Alpha
Growth – Infinity Finance Group founder and MD Tony Insall has expanded his firm to Essex .
brand further afield .
He told Tees Business : “ Someone I knew within the financial services industry mentioned a couple of IFAs ( independent financial advisers ) in Chelmsford , Gavin Dixon and Arwyn James , who were wanting to get involved with us .
“ After hearing of our vision for the future , they were keen as mustard to come on board . And yes , the plan now is to open an Alpha office down in Chelmsford .
“ Some clients we work with have branches down south and want us to help with their group pension schemes and those kinds of things . That ’ s why it ties up nicely with the guys from Chelmsford wanting to join us , and why having an office down there will be a good move for us .”
But the group ’ s growing geographical reach won ’ t just be confined to Essex .
Teesside dad-of-two Tony , who set up Infinity just three years ago and named the company after the iconic Stockton bridge , said : “ Over the past few months , we have grown significantly , employing more staff across the Infinity and Alpha sides of the
68 | Tees Business