Issue 26 | Page 36



Stockton Riverside College principal Lesley Graham explains how showing the human behind the job title can help young people aim higher ...

P laying her part in raising the aspirations of young people in the Tees Valley is a priority for Stockton Riverside College principal Lesley Graham .

For her , that means opening their eyes to the opportunities available and helping raise their aims for the future .
It ’ s something that truly matters to Lesley , as there was a time when she never would have dreamed of being in the role she is today .
She recalls : “ I came from a singleparent family from inner-city Liverpool , with no aspirations whatsoever . In our school , only one person passed their 11- plus , and even they didn ’ t go to grammar school because they had no way of getting there .”
Looking back , she puts her career transformation down to some “ fabulous teachers ” who enabled her to see there was another way of doing things . She was a mum herself before a return to further education led her into teaching and then leadership .
It puts her in a prime position today to understand the hopes and fears of learners . As a college principal , Lesley believes it is her responsibility to support students of all ages to recognise their full potential .
Having worked in colleges in areas with high levels of deprivation in East London and Birmingham , she says : “ There are some students who don ’ t have positive role models at home . So , it is about making sure they get that support at college , or we are never going to break the cycle of deprivation .”
But beyond that , in all walks of life , Lesley says we can all impose limitations on ourselves , whether that be due to personal circumstances , family , age or just misconceptions .
That ’ s why the staff at Stockton Riverside College , as part of the Education Training Collective ( Etc .), are working with the likes of The Girls ’ Network , offering students the chance to be mentored by Tees Valley professionals . And as a female leader in the Tees Valley , Lesley welcomes initiatives such as the newly-launched Power of Women campaign , spearheaded by Professor Jane Turner OBE DL , to level up the gender gap and improve opportunities for girls and young women in the region .
Lesley says : “ To meet people in careers you may not have previously dared to aspire to and find common ground helps to make it seem attainable . “ It ’ s about seeing the person behind the posh job title and understanding that they too can have doubts about their ability .” For Lesley , it isn ’ t just about gender . “ We all have our own strengths and
" The biggest strength is the support we give our students ," says Stockton Riverside College principal Lesley Graham .
weaknesses , and no matter what the job title , I am sure we all face moments of self-doubt ," she says .
“ But it ’ s more about how we approach that , through tenacity and being willing to put in the hard work .”
Developing these skills in students is something that Lesley has made a priority since joining Stockton Riverside College in October 2018 .
She says : “ For me , our biggest strength is the support we give to our students , not just through a fantastic vocational experience but by making sure they are ready for their next steps and ultimately have the skills employers want . These are employability skills such as problem-solving , communicating well and working as part of a team .
“ There are those young people
36 | Tees Business