The future – Jacobs apprentice Callum Smith with quality control manager Neil Fowler .
Key Tees employer says it ’ s time to go technical
Technical skills will underpin Teesside ’ s future , and now is the time to invest in them .
That ’ s the message from local employer Jacobs , a nuclear plant contractor that knows the value of training .
Jacobs has been working with Northern Skills Group – the training and apprenticeship arm of Middlesbrough College – to provide apprenticeships for learners .
Neil Fowler , quality control manager at Jacobs , said : “ Apprenticeships are massively important for local businesses because it ’ s a win-win situation – young people get industry experience while businesses can mould learners to suit the needs of the company .
“ Without a solid stream of hands-on skill building in the region we won ’ t have the level of technical skills and experience needed to keep up with the demand . “ Certainly , in an industry-based environment like we have in the North- East , it ’ s crucial we have a really substantial apprenticeship provision in this area . As a region , we won ’ t be able to progress without it .”
Business is booming in the Tees region , with the new freeport , the Teesworks development and the ever-expanding Teesside International Airport – but how will we match the need for new , highly skilled , highly technical jobs of the future ? Here ’ s how … Middlesbrough College has been chosen by the Department of Education as a partner in the North East ’ s Institute of Technology ( NEIoT ) which will bring highlevel technical education benefitting both learners and local businesses .
“ Industry on Teesside is really on the up - young learners now need the digital and technical skills to meet the growing demand in the future .”
What is an IoT ? Institutes of Technology ( IoT ) are collaborations between further education providers , universities recognised for their outstanding technical training , and employers .
Middlesbrough College will be the sole deliverer of IoT accredited courses in the Tees Valley , across disciplines such as construction , engineering , business management and digital .
The new state-of-the-art technical centre will be paramount to meeting the growing need for highly-skilled jobs in the Tees Valley and the courses are designed to address the skills shortage across multiple industries .
With a focus on hands-on experience , the college ’ s courses are developed with driving innovation in mind , to ensure students are at the forefront of the latest learning and technology .
Neil completed his own apprenticeship more than 40 years ago and said it ’ s crucial for young learners to improve on technical skills – the new IoT centre at Middlesbrough College being the perfect place to do so .
He continued : “ It ’ s a chance to train up people into highly skilled jobs which benefits local people , businesses and the economy in our region .
“ Industry on Teesside is really on the up - young learners now need the digital and technical skills to meet the growing demand in the future .
“ A brand new technical centre of this stature being opened in this area - it ’ s great for our region .”
To explore the range of courses on offer or to find out how your business could benefit from the IoT , call 01642 333333 . For more information on the Institute of Technology , visit mbro . ac . uk / institute-of-technology .
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