Issue 22 | Page 79

Dave Allan of Tees Business (front right) with Bloodrun volunteer Chad Jackson (with motorbike) and Teesside Hospice staff Tricia Boynton, Penny McReady, Dr Dean Jacobs and Julie Copley, as they receive iPad minis for use by patients during the coronavirus crisis. CHARITY Covid donors are the business T A Tees Business appeal at the height of the Covid crisis resulted in a group of big-hearted local firms making generous donations of more than £5,500 in the fight against coronavirus. ees Business joined forces with local charity Teesside Philanthropic Foundation to back an appeal to fund the purchase of iPad minis for Covid wards in Teesside hospitals, hospices and care homes to allow patients to stay in touch and, in some cases, say their last goodbyes to family and friends. Such was the appeal’s success that the foundation was able to direct surplus funds from the iPad appeal to other Covid-related causes including PPE for frontline workers and shopping vouchers for Teesside families struggling to put food on the table during the crisis. Tees Business not only donated the funds to purchase two iPad minis – but directors Dave Allan and Martin Walker also put out an appeal to their clients that resulted in an incredible response from local businesses. Following the Tees Business call to action, further donations came in from local firms Cornerstone Business Solutions, Baines Jewitt Chartered Accountants, Group Industrial, UKSE, IMH, SABIC, ESCS, Wilton Centre, Jacksons Law Firm and HR Alchemy, with businessmen Dominic Lusardi and James Pennington also helping out. Dave, who also looks after the charity’s PR, approached a locally-based National Lottery winner who donated more than £13,000 more to be shared between the iPad appeal, a shopping vouchers appeal for vulnerable local families and other important Covid-19-related issues. It’s all gone into a pot that had already been boosted by several generous firms and individuals including PD Ports, px Group, Communicate Technology and Racz Group. Cornerstone also joined forces with the anonymous Lottery winner to provide devices at cost for distribution to care homes and other charities around Hartlepool. Dave said: “Teesside is a special place, full of givers and truly generous companies – and this proves it. “Even when they themselves were suffering amid a crisis that continues to affect us all, these amazing local companies and the people behind them were ready and willing to dig deep to help others. “It was something Martin and I really had to do. The Philanthropic Foundation is a charity close to our hearts. We’re proud to back them as members of their Infant Hercules Charity Club and this was a chance to do our bit in the local fight against coronavirus.” Debbie Coulson, Teesside’s Hospice’s head of fundraising and marketing, said: “We were delighted to receive the iPads which are being used in our in-patient unit. “The iPads are a vital link for our patients to their families and we are really grateful for this generous donation and the difference it has made to the hospice.” The iPads were delivered to the hospitals and hospices by volunteers from local charity Bloodrun, with Stockton firm iStation selling the devices at cost with no charge for configuring them ready for use, while also inscribing the logos of the companies on the back of the iPads. Donations – of any size, large or small – can be made to the Philanthropic Foundation’s ongoing coronavirus appeal by clicking on the ‘Donate’ button on the charity’s website The voice of business in the Tees region | 79