Issue 22 | Page 78

GROWTH A DESIGN FOR LIFE Cocoon & Bauer are the darlings of Tees Valley design. The Middlesbrough-based company have quickly cornered the market in inspirational and modern interior design for both private and business clients and even a pandemic failed to halt their continuing success. “We’ve been really fortunate,” admits manging director Peter Turner. “Premises being closed was actually a perfect time for many of our commercial clients to get their designs done before the construction industry started up again.” Peter’s team, based at the thriving Albert North redevelopment, also had four full house designs to complete over the last few months. “Possibly being stuck indoors encouraged people to make long overdue changes,” he laughs. When lockdown came, Peter furloughed just one member of staff, but soon brought them back when jobs such as redesigning the Dudley Arms in Ingleby Greenhow came flooding in. “We wanted to see how our industry would cope, but we were busy straight away and needed to get all the team back to keep up our service levels.” Using Microsoft To Do, WhatsApp, email, Zoom and phone calls to stay connected with one another, the Cocoon & Bauer team stayed productive, delivering some beautiful designs for clients and staff to enjoy. “I’m great believer that offering staff a comfortable and inspiring workplace can increase productivity,” says Peter. “Being on top of the game is more important than ever as lockdown restrictions ease and going into work replaces working from home. For the last three months or so many people may have struggled to work from home, so the office represents a sanctuary.” While there has always been a focus on Growing – the Cocoon & Bauer team, based at Albert North in Middlesbrough. wellness within Cocoon & Bauer’s office designs, Peter thinks that it will come to play a huge part in the way they work going forward. “Managers may have initially been conscious of the effects of Covid on their business, but most have agreed they need to make certain changes and keep things moving forward. That’s fantastic to see and shows huge optimism for the future.” THE VOICE OF BUSINESS IN THE WEAR REGION FROM THE PRODUCERS OF TEES BUSINESS, A NEW QUARTERLY BUSINESS MAGAZINE DEDICATED SOLELY TO THE BUSINESS COMMUNITIES ALONG THE WEAR – SUNDERLAND, SEAHAM, PETERLEE, WASHINGTON, CHESTER-LE- STREET AND DURHAM. Wear Business Call Chris Garbutt on 01642 440255 or email [email protected]