Already then, the term
robot does not necessarily equate to one
specific form or preconception. If these examples do indeed constitute a robot or robots,
then that already conflicts with the staple of
the bipedal mechanism
we sometimes assume
when we talk and think
about these creations.
So what of the anthropomorphic robot? It is
believed that the first
ever real attempt to
re-create a person’s
actions and thought
processes through the
implementation of a
computer system’s AI
(Artificial Intelligence )
lay within “SHAKEY”, a
robot developed by SRI
International in 1970.
SHAKEY was deployed
via a problem-solving
program called STRIPS.
It used various sensors
to assimilate information about its surroundings and environment,
SRI’s Shakey, the first mobile robot that
could make decisions about how to move in
its surroundings
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and was able to calculate how to navigate the
corridors of the company’s headquarters. The
sensors included a TV
camera; a laser range
finder and bump sensors to establish the
limit of its negotiable