Ispectrum Magazine Ispectrum Magazine #11 | Page 42

until much later. And while we’ve learned a lot, we’re nowhere near 100%. Witch hunts continue even today in countries like Papua New Guinea, where a woman was burned alive in 2013. It would be incredibly arrogant of us to assume that we have discovered every way to see the world and every tool to measure it. Scientists are at their best when they are open to all possibilities, and arrive at a study without assumptions or preconceptions. from neuroscience to theoretical physics— without risking patients health in any way. M.M. When a person says that she/he has had an NDE, a scientist doesn’t believe her/him. When people like Louis Hay, Gregg Braden, etc, say that they have cured themselves from a cancer with positive thinking, what do you - a doctor - have to say? Е.A. As a doctor, I’ve seen people recover who every medical test indicated should have died. And I’ve seen people deteriorate who should have responded to treatment. We just don’t know everything about how the human body heals itself. py and radiation therapy, works better than anything else. But it doesn’t work in every case, and there’s often no clear reason why it works for one person and doesn’t for another. I would never advise a patient to forgo chemo in favor of meditation or other mental efforts, but I don’t dismiss the Some studies show that show people in a We know that modern power of positive thinkcoma do better when treatment for cancer, ing. they hear positive talk including chemotheraat their bedside from doctors and loved ones—even people who “shouldn’t” be able to hear or process audio. Clearly, we still have a lot to X\