Ispectrum Magazine Ispectrum Magazine #11 | Page 41

M.M. Is it possible to experiment with NDEs in a laboratory? Е.A. Absolutely. However, as a doctor, I hold the Hippocratic oath—do no harm—in the highest regard. Doctors and scientists cannot in good conscience perform experiments that could harm their patients. Our lives are infinite- ly precious, and while research in this area interests me, the health and well being of other people far outweighs anything we might learn using that method. I’m in contact with teams of researchers all over the world doing some very exciting research in this area, and all of them have found creative ways to learn about consciousness—from neuroscience to theoretical physics—without risking patients health in any way. M.M. Can Science explain everything, or does it need to open up to other disciplines of knowledge to explain the mysteries of life, physics and the universe? Е.A. Ultimately, science is the study of the observable universe. I think science can explain everything—if we can find ways to observe a broader range of the universe. mentally ill were assumed to be possessed. Now we have the right vocabulary and conceptual framework to talk about viruses and bacteria, and the right tools, like microscopes, to Just a few hundred years observe and measure and theory and proven ago, illness seemed them. But the differlike a curse, and the ences between “magic” fact aren’t always clear 40