on the skin. The interesting
The most promising psychologipart in relation to the NDE is
cal theories all seem to focus on
that there is a common elewhy people have such a universal
ment reported in these halexperience.
lucinations, be it walls morphing or visions of rats for
example, and that this element is reported across cultures, age groups and personalities. breathing rate and sometimes seiIt seems that the common hallucina- zures. All these physiological changtory experience is universal in the
es are rapidly affecting the
same way as the NDE. we
system, just like the body
know Delirium Tremens
may go through sharp
is caused by withdrawal
changes just before,
from a drink or drug
or during, a person’s
that is usually prevaNDE. In the case of
lent in the body sysDelirium Tremens
tem, and it is characthese
terized by high blood
cause hallucinations
pressure and pulse,
that are similar in
most sufferers, so why
does it seem so strange
to suggest that the similar experiences reported in the NDE
could be caused by the physiological
changes that they are experiencing?
Many people assume that the NDE
is such a special experience because
of the common elements reported,
but Delirium Tremens shows that it
is not unique for people who suffer
drastic changes in the physiological
components of the body to experience common elements in visions or