Ispectrum Magazine Ispectrum Magazine #11 | Page 32

die, so the psychological mechanism would serve no purpose. And, if it occurred just to those who went on to live, how could these mechanisms possibly know if the person was going to live or die? On the positive side, it would explain the consistency of the NDE reports, as well as it’s paranormal aspects and why it can have beneficial effects on the individual. that the NDE represents the death of the ego, providing a substitute for the death of the person, and the life The most promising psychological review helps to resolve old conflicts theories all seem to focus on why and move on with life. people have such a universal experience. There are some academics, such as Grosso, who have pointed to Could facing death cause a regres- the similarities between the universal sion in the mind of the individual to a experience of those who experience developmental stage of life, thereby the NDE with that of patients who allowing psychological mechanisms suffer Delirium Tremens. This disease to kick in , manifesting as the NDE? is caused by withdrawal from alcohol There is no hard evidence for this or sedative - hypnotic drugs, such and this idea relies a lot on factors as barbiturates. The symptoms of that cannot be tested easily. Also, Delirium tremens include, amongst does this happen just to survivors or others, palpitations, convulsions and to everyone at death? If this regres- auditory and visual hallucinations. sion occurred in everyone it would These hallucinations involve distorbe pointless as the huge majority tions of the environment and tactile of people who are dying do in fact sensations such as animals crawling 31 45