MM: And what would be one of best exercises to change that pattern?
Looking at yourself in the mirror and saying it?
Failure, is much more
frightening than regret.
Ok? This is the story.
So, RIGHT NOW is the
moment that you can
change. You can either
think of yourself as
ninety thousand years
old – bitter! – Or you
can use the moment
now, to try it! Because
you have nothing to
lose! So you can and
you will do this. But it’s
hard: ‘I’m afraid!’ So
you’re afraid?! Nobody
ever died of fear. You
won’t die. You will try.
It’s painful. But you can
tolerate it. You have
the skills. You can and
you will do this. You
will learn to do this
with discipline. Because
there are people who
love you, and support
you, and want you to
do it.