Ispectrum Magazine Ispectrum Magazine #07 | Page 36

‘Mo…Mottthhher’ and that initial word; ‘bad’ or ‘good’… it’s a single word, but it’s very hard to change from bad to good. It’s easier to say ‘bu’, ‘bu’; than ‘gu’, ‘gu’ – I’m just telling you, phonetically – so, to change the thought from ‘bu’ to ‘gu’; bad mother to good mother is much more difficult. That’s why it’s hard for people to say; ‘I love myself just the way I am’. MM: So it’s not that easy? ML: Of course not! ‘I. LOVE. MYSELF. Just the way I am’. NO! Because you’ve said millions of times, you have the patterns in your brain, thought patterns all over the place: ‘I hate my hips. I hate my hips’. ‘I hate my hair! I wish I was…’ etc etc. You’ve heard it thousands of times! So you have to dilute that with ‘I love myself just the way I am’. Louise Hays says that every time you say that you might hear a negative thought pattern; no you don’t. You hate your …. No you don’t. You hate your and that’s like a functional MRI as far as I’m concerned. Every time you say I love myself just the way I am and you hear a negative thought pattern it’s like doing a functional MRI. NO! Oh my God, I just picked another pathway! Another synapse. So, you CAN change a thought but to say it’s easy is invalidating. 35 But I’m not saying it’s impossible. I’m saying it’s required. People say to me on the phone: ‘But that’s hard!’, I say ‘You can, and you will’. You can and you will because the most valuable things are the ones that are hard to get. They’re called commodities. That is a real commodity. You can and you will do this, or you don’t want to see me driving up your driveway! Because I will!