Control your stress . Stress increases free radical production which causes inflammation . It causes an increase in stress hormones that are toxic to our memory center of the brain and also decreases the production of neurotransmitters which are necessary for cellular communication .
Do something you love for your work . If that is not possible right now , do something you love while you do your work ( like singing ).
Get enough rest . In the U . S . forty million people suffer from a sleep disorder . They also work longer and take less time off than the rest of the industrialized world . Fatigue can have a similar effect on the brain as alcohol .
Surround yourself with beautiful music , colors , smells , and other things that delight you . This makes you feel good and the brain loves it . Where you spend most of your time should be heaven to your senses .
7 .
Control your stress . Stress increases free radical production which causes inflammation . It causes an increase in stress hormones that are toxic to our memory center of the brain and also decreases the production of neurotransmitters which are necessary for cellular communication .
8 .
Do something you love for your work . If that is not possible right now , do something you love while you do your work ( like singing ).
6 .
Get enough rest . In the U . S . forty million people suffer from a sleep disorder . They also work longer and take less time off than the rest of the industrialized world . Fatigue can have a similar effect on the brain as alcohol .
9 .
Surround yourself with beautiful music , colors , smells , and other things that delight you . This makes you feel good and the brain loves it . Where you spend most of your time should be heaven to your senses .