UCIMU members elect new President
The Members ’ Meeting of UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE on 10 July 2024 elected Riccardo Rosa ( President of Rosa Ermando SpA , Rescaldina , Milan ), as President of the Italian machine tools , robots and automation systems manufacturers ’ association for the two-year period from 2024-2025 .
Riccardo Rosa will be assisted by three Vice-Presidents : Filippo Gasparini ( Gasparini , Mirano , Venice ), Giulio Maria Giana ( Giuseppe Giana , Magnago , Milan ) and Giuseppe Sceusi ( Marposs , Bentivoglio , Bologna ). The three VPs are members of the Presidential Committee that also includes the Immediate Past President , Barbara Colombo ( FICEP , Gazzada Schianno , Varese ) who was appointed Treasurer .
The association ’ s Board of Directors was renewed for the two-year period ( 2024-2025 ). The Board of Directors also includes Past Presidents Massimo Carboniero ( OMERA , Chiuppano , Vicenza ); Ezio Colombo ( FICEP , Gazzada Schianno , Varese ); Luigi Galdabini ( Cesare Galdabini , Cardano Al Campo , Varese ); Cesare Manfredi , Bruno Rambaudi , Pier Luigi Streparava ( Streparava , Adro , Brescia ) and Alberto Tacchella ( Danobat , Bistagno , Alessandria ). The association ’ s general manager is Alfredo Mariotti .
“ 2023 proved to be a favourable year for the Italian machine tool , robot and automation industry . However , the new production record was due to excellent export performance ; domestic demand dropped . The Italian sector came fifth in the global production rankings and fourth in the exports and consumption rankings ,” commented the association .
It forecasts a moderate production decrease for 2024 as the positive export trend is countered by a reduction in domestic deliveries . According to final figures compiled
UCIMU ’ s Board of Directors at the Members Meeting .
L to R : Immediate Past President , Barbara Colombo , and new UCIMU President , Riccardo Rosa .
Riccardo Rosa , President , UCIMU .
by the association , Italian production of machine tools , robots and automation systems set a new record in 2023 and recorded a 4.6 % increase over 2022 . Exports were 21.8 % higher than in 2022 .
However , consumption decreased by 7.8 %, down by 11 %, as well as imports which were down by 3 %. The export / production ratio rose from 47.6 % in 2022 to 55.5 % in 2023 .
UCIMU expects 2024 to record a slight contraction for the Italian machine tool , robot and automation industry , with performance at medium-high levels . The moderate decline , it said , “ should be counterbalanced by the growth of exports which should set a new record .”
UCIMU has strengthened its commitment to UCIMU Academy , a project dedicated to reducing the mismatch between job demand and supply . It includes degree thesis prizes , co-operation with Higher Technical Institutes and exhibition projects . Among these is ROBOTGAMES , the competition for young high school students , which will make its debut at BI-MU 2024 in Milan this October . n
. ucimu . it / en / home /
Strategic partnership signed on AI for lasers
Sheet metal specialist TRUMPF and SiMa . ai ( a software-centric , embedded edge , machine learning system-on-chip company ) has signed a partnership to develop lasers with artificial intelligence ( AI ). The goal is to equip several TRUMPF laser systems with AI technology ( such as chips and software ) in the near future . This includes systems for welding , cutting and marking , as well as powder metal 3D printers .
“ AI has high strategic relevance for TRUMPF . Our expertise in laser processes and manufacturing helps us to develop smart software for production purposes . SiMa . ai is the ideal partner for this next big step towards intelligent industrial solutions ,” said Richard Bannmüller , CTO of TRUMPF Laser Technology .
Both companies bring their respective expertise to the collaboration : TRUMPF , its laser application expertise , and SiMa . ai , its machine learning system on chip ( MLSoC ) technology .
“ The joint collaboration intends to accelerate complex material processing . The powerful , compact and energy-efficient AI chips will be integrated directly into the laser systems . The AI-optimised sensor technology can monitor the quality of the laser welding process in realtime and evaluate more than 3,000 images per second ,” commented TRUMPF .
“ In electric car production , for example , real-time quality inspection during laser welding with the help of artificial intelligence ( AI ) is expected to replace separate and complex testing procedures . Moreover , battery manufacturers will be able to increase the quality of their production in real-time and reduce the reject rate which could ultimately lower the price of electric cars for consumers ,” it concluded . n
12 | ismr . net | ISMR September 2024