ISMR October 2023 | Page 18


Global machine tool production

Representatives from machine tool associations , whose manufacturers account for more than 80 % of global machine tool production , gathered at the EMO Hannover 2023 exhibition in Germany recently to demonstrate their resilience and strength in the face of a wide range of global challenges . Despite a stable outlook for 2023 , projections for the global machinetool industry are tempered by various international and economic challenges . Building on the collective strength of the sector , collaboration , innovation and adaptability will remain vital as the industry continues to navigate this evolving landscape .
“ At a time of profound political and economic uncertainty , the promotion of international cooperation is imperative ,” underlined Dr . Heinz Jürgen Prokop , President of CECIMO ( the European Association of Manufacturing Technologies ), at EMO Hannover 2023 . The event attracted machine-tool industry leaders from the United States , China , Japan and Europe .
Machine tool production
Marcus Burton , Chairman of CECIMO ’ s Economic Committee , highlighted CECIMO ’ s commitment not only to lobbying for favourable conditions for the sector but also to fostering international cooperation with machine tool associations around the world . He also unveiled key insights from CECIMO ’ s recently published ‘ Global Machine Tool Report 2022 ’, which could not have been produced without this cooperation .
Based on the latest database update , Marcus Burton highlighted that global machine tool production reached 79.2- billion euros in 2022 , reflecting an annual production increase of 11.9 %. In the same year , machine tool production in CECIMO countries recorded an increase in machinetool production of 12.8 % and , at 25.3- billion euros , CECIMO maintained its share of 32 % of global machinetool production . On the consumption side , according to Mr Burton , CECIMO countries accounted for almost a quarter of global machinetool consumption at a total value of around 18.7 billion euros in 2022 (+ 25 % compared to 2021 ).
During his presentation , Marcus Burton also revealed the latest estimates for 2023 for global and European machinetool production . While he highlighted that machine tool production in CECIMO countries is expected to grow by around 5.5 % to reach a level of almost 27 billion euros in 2023 , global machine tool production is expected to remain more stable , slightly below the 2022 level .
In his concluding remarks , he pointed out that : “ In light of current Dr . Heinz Jürgen Prokop ,
President of CECIMO . developments , we have slightly downgraded our expectations . Nevertheless , we remain optimistic about the positive growth in European machine tool production in 2023 and our initial indications for 2024 are positive .”
However , he also highlighted significant challenges on the horizon including the headwinds of slowing global economic growth , rising interest rates and geopolitical shifts resulting from the ongoing conflict in Ukraine . These factors collectively inject a notable degree of uncertainty into the shortterm demand landscape for the machine tool industry .
China , Japan and the USA
With reference to the Chinese machine tools sector , Mr . Mao Yufeng , President of the China Machine Tool & Tool Builders ’ Association ( CMTBA ), pointed out that “ from January to July 2023 , sales of metal-cutting machines dropped by 4.3 % to US $ 10.76- billion compared to last year . On the other hand , sales of metalforming machines went up by 6.9 % to US $ 6.16 billion ”.
He also confirmed that 2023 had witnessed heightened endeavours in industrial restructuring and shifts within
China ’ s machine tool consumer market . Among others , this includes a decline in overall automobile production but a notable increase in the use of new energy vehicles . In addition to shifts in consumer markets , he highlighted several significant challenges that contribute to the uncertainty surrounding the outlook for the machine tool
Left : Marcus Burton , Chairman of CECIMO ’ s Economic Committee . sector . These challenges include a fragile economic recovery , persistent inflation , financial market instability and increasing debt pressures .
For the Japanese metal-cutting machinetool sector , Mr . Kazuo Yuhara , President of Japan ’ s Machine Tool Builders ’ Association ( JMTBA ), highlighted remarkable growth for the sector in 2022 . Total orders surged to a record-breaking 1,759.6 billion yen , increasing by 14.2 % on the previous year . Production of metal-cutting machinetools increased by 20.5 % in 2022 over the previous year to 1,078.8 billion yen , with a strong growth trend in exports and imports . Analysing the most recent period ( January- July 2023 ), he noted the decline in order volumes for metal-cutting machine tools but highlighted positive expectations for the impact on demand of investments in green , digital and resilience-related areas .
Douglas K . Woods , President of AMT ( the Association for Manufacturing Technology ) in the USA , emphasised continued stable conditions for the U . S . machine tool industry in 2023 and 2024 , following a year of nearaverage consumption , totalling US $ 9.6- billion in 2022 . In 2023 , the effects of U . S . monetary policy tightening became apparent , leading to a slight decline in machine tool consumption , he explained . However , he added , indicators for 2024 suggest a recovery in machine tool production and imports while exports stabilise , leading to an increase in consumption .
In conclusion
With a primary focus on machine tools and additive manufacturing technologies , CECIMO is an umbrella organisation that brings together 15 national associations ( representing approximately 1500 industrial enterprises in Europe ( EU / UK / EFTA and Turkey ). Over 80 % of these are SMEs . CECIMO covers 97 % of the total machine tool production in Europe and about one third worldwide . It accounts for approximately 150,000 employees and a turnover of around 25.3 billion euros in 2022 . n
www . cecimo . eu
18 | ismr . net | ISMR October 2023