“ Everything is about process flow and how to get from ‘ art to part ’ in a smarter way for a lower cost per part . It ’ s all about helping customers to add value for their customers and grow their businesses . Software is the overarching support , backbone and mission control for everyone ’ s businesses ,” he added . Although LVD does not have any active products that feature artificial intelligence ( AI ), Matt Fowles confirmed that LVD is examining its possibilities .
A market perspective
It has been a difficult year for sheet metal manufacturers in markets which have been affected by global and political upheaval .
“ We hope that the market will start to turn next year . Obviously , global events do affect market outcomes ( such as the conflict in the Middle East and the war in Ukraine ),” commented Matt Fowles .
“ We are prepared for whatever will happen . We have a counter-cyclical strategy in place for market eventualities and implement this whenever needed . The advantage to being family-owned is that we can move quickly , which is particularly useful to react to any changes in regional markets ,” he continued .
“ Markets can also fluctuate , depending upon the region . The market in the United States , for example , will be affected by the results of the U . S . elections and the strategy of the new administration as well as factors such as interest rates etc . In any market , confidence is a key factor ,” he explained .
LVD spends between 7-9 % on research and development ( R & D ) every year . Product innovation is very important to the company and it will continue to invest and bring new products to market .
“ As far as regional opportunities are concerned , there is still growth in markets such as Italy . We invested in a new Experience Centre in Italy , which opened in September . We have a programme of events scheduled for next year in Italy . Italy has been a fantastic market for us with government incentives on machines and Industry-5.0 technologies . Markets like Italy and the Netherlands ( an earlyadopter market ) are very focused on energyefficiency and sustainability , which are part of our product make-up ,” he continued .
Challenges and opportunities understand the implications of not investing , adapting and considering the big picture . They are competing in a global marketplace , with global competitors ,” outlined Matt Fowles .
“ Of course , challenges can also be opportunities . Our new LaserTWO is an example of turning the challenge of low-cost competition from Asia into an opportunity for LVD to work with entry-level customers and grow with them ,” he mused .
He also highlighted ongoing opportunities from the use of software to tackle the everpresent challenge of having enough resources to make a product . He pointed ISMR to a recent case where LVD ’ s CADMAN software helped a trailer manufacturing company to identify changes to its production processes that , in turn , ensured that it made the right purchase choice on its next machine .
A sustainable outlook
The advent of new sustainability regulations in Europe , which will affect the carbon footprint of machinery , has focused industry minds on ESG imperatives .
Programmes like LVD ’ s NexGen upgrade extend the useful life of its press brakes , delivering as much as a 50 per cent increase
LVD laser-cut sheet metal parts . in machine productivity . In its production facilities , LVD promotes the reduction of waste and encourages environmentally-sound practices , which include the reduction of electricity , water and heating oil by 30 to 50 per cent .
“ Sustainability is a hot topic and we examine it holistically . It ’ s about considering all the different elements that affect the overall sustainability picture . This includes efficiencies in our factory , the use of solar power , reducing our machine-tool carbon footprint , using rainwater in the toilet systems inside factories etc . It also includes efficiencies through utilising software , which enable users to increase the yield from the metal sheet through nesting or via software-based resource planning ( which increases productivity ),” Matt Fowles told ISMR .
He made important distinctions between different markets , but ultimately considers that it will drive greater efficiencies and lower costs .
“ Markets like Italy , for example , are asking for Industry-5.0 data , which includes energyefficiency ratings , so certain markets and larger players will be earlier adopters of carbon footprint strategies . This will also trickle down to small and medium-size businesses . I think everyone wants to do their ‘ bit ’ for the environment , but this is also driven by the need for greater efficiencies and reductions in energy / energy costs ,” he explained .
“ If you can reduce the cost per part , and the cost of making the part , you are moving towards a more sustainable future anyway . The bigger corporations take the stance that they must do it because it is part of a corporate mandate . However , I think it will naturally waterfall down to smaller sheet metal companies to create lower manufacturing costs ,” he concluded . n
. lvdgroup . com
So , what have been the defining challenges and opportunities in 2024 for LVD in difficult market environments ?
“ The greatest challenge is trying to overcome the hesitancy of manufacturers wanting to finalise decisions . There were plenty of projects this year , with people on the cusp of buying . We want to help people have the confidence to invest and to fully
LVD ’ s stand at EuroBLECH 2024 .
ISMR November 2024 | ismr . net | 51