ISMR November 2024 | Page 41


ISMR sat down with Camillo Brena , Eagle Lasers ’ marketing director , at EuroBLECH to discover the company ’ s latest fibre laser innovations , customer service philosophy and views on global market developments .
Camillo Brena , Marketing Director , Eagle Laser Systems .
ISMR : Tell me about the new products , concepts and technologies that you brought to your booth at EuroBLECH at Hanover this October ?
CB : We decided to bring something completely new to the market this year at EuroBLECH . We are a young , disruptive company ( now almost 20 years old ) and were among the first to introduce high-power fibre laser cutting systems on the market . With a history of almost two decades , Eagle has come to a deep understanding of the industry ’ s challenges and our answer to them has been to create an entirely different solution , FlowIN .
FlowIN was designed to tackle the sorting problem through a breakthrough concept that completely eliminates combs and pallet-changer . In doing so , it eliminates all comb-related issues such as comb cleaning , comb cutting , parts being welded to combs , micro and nanojoints . It also allows for sorting without compromising cutting speed or requiring inefficient nesting patterns that need more space between parts , so it makes better use of materials and features an innovative waste-management system .
How did we achieve this ? By completely shifting our perspective and changing the way that we cut . Instead of focusing on cutting the part , we focused on cutting the scrap around it . The result is that only ready-cut , scrap-free parts exit the machine and sorting becomes as easy as a pick-andplace process .
FlowIN ’ s disruptive approach has a huge impact on productivity . The machine becomes a continuous cutting system , solving three steps in one cycle .
The FlowIN system features Eagle ’ s signature components such as the awardwinning eVa Cutting Head ; linear motors on all axes ; a carbon fibre traverse ; a polymer concrete machine body and Eagle Eye faultdetection technology . We have also developed FlowINCo , which is the coil-cutting version .
The iNspire 2.0 control .
The Eagle Lasers ’ stand at EuroBLECH in Hanover this October .
The iNspire 2.0 fibre laser cutting machine .
ISMR : How do you see global fibre laser markets developing around the world ? Are there any particular trends that you can identify ?
CB : The market this year has been very difficult for everyone . The fibre laser-cutting market is entering a new and more mature phase with
ISMR November 2024 | ismr . net | 41