PRODUCT REVIEWS the L5 is fed by ADC , compact automation for sheet metal loading and unloading . ADC is also equipped with the new AVC adaptive vacuum control technology which constantly monitors the vacuum degree in the gripping suction cups . Vacuum generation is activated only when required , resulting in a reduction in compressed air consumption of around 90 %. The L5 is equipped with the APC2 adaptive process sensor which monitors piercing in real-time for greater speed and higher quality .
Salvagnini services
Rethinks is a service exclusively for Salvagnini customers to help them exploit the potential of their systems for an even higher competitive position in the market . Rethinks connects customers with Salvagnini specialists to optimise production processes and improve quality and efficiency , reducing the number of work steps , material usage and costs .
At Blechexpo , Salvagnini also presented
Impacts , a flexible tool for calculating consumption of its own systems . It is possible to precisely measure the consumption of electricity , compressed air and assist gas . The future aim is to calculate volumes of CO₂ equivalent produced throughout the whole industrial process “ with a granularity that can record the volumes of CO₂ equivalent of each single manufactured component .” n
. salvagnini . com
The L5 laser cutter with ADC compact automation .
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